Home births

edited March 2011 in Giving birth
So today I decided that I don't want to give birth in a hospital. I would much rather do a home birth in a tub of water in my mother's living room where I grew up surrounded by my closest family members. but in order to do all of this I need to find a midwife and I have no idea where to start lookin for one. A dula would be ideal is well. is anyone else going to the huge decision making process this early in pregnancy? I'm 12 weeks and 2 days.


  • YES!!!!! im 13wks2days....ive always wanted a water birth...not necessarily @ home...but maybe at a clinic where they do em...but the best 1 closest to me is about 2hrs away...& i doubt thatll work unless i literally move over there for about 2mths...but thats a lot of xtra $$$...so i dnt know what 2 do now...ive been going 2 the hospital 4 my checkups & u/s but deep down i REALLY want a water birth :( i still have time 2 check & find...there is a water birthing clinic in my area, but the reviews arent too great...

    this is the site 2 the clinic where i originally wanted 2 go: http://www.waterbirthbaby.com/
  • I've had 1 birth in a birth center, 2 in a hospital and 1 at home. Am now expecting in July and will never go back to anything but a homebirth. You can find a local midwife by either growling your location and the word midwife or simply midwife directory for your state. You will not regret a homebirth, it's amazing.
  • I would love to do a home water birth but my husband is too scared. I live in KY and it can be hard to find a midwife who will do homebirths (due to crappy laws that favor OBs). They are out there though. You will want to research and make sure they are certified and come recommended. Good luck I wish I could do a home birth too
  • Id prefer a water birth at home, but bf doesn't agree, and there are no midwives here that do home births so I have no other choice. The hospital has ONE tub, ugh. So I'm going to see if I can get that to labor in.
  • I'm due in august, and this is my first. I'll be having a home birth, but lucky for me my mom is a midwife, and happens to live next door... I hope you find what you looking for. :)
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