Any one have the miscarrying dreams? /:

I had my second one of my whole pregnancy last night. I didn't think much of the first one because I had my ultrasound a couple days later and the baby was very healthy. in both dreams, I dream a miscarriage while I am done with using the restroom and look in the toilet. And I pick the baby up and cry. But then in both dreams the baby survives somehow and I'm holding my baby but I was so sure it had passed away that I have mixed feelings! Anyone else have the miscarrying dreams??? Or am I crazy? X(


  • omg I had one last night and it felt so. real!!!!
  • Its probably because you keep thinking its gonna happen and maybe stressing over it.. im like that just for having to go to the drs..
  • OMG! Just last night I had a dream that I was on the toilet peeing when all of a sudden I heard something fall into the toliet water and I looked and it was my TINY baby :( It was such a scary dream and I was so glad when I woke up and realized it was just a dream.
  • @1stTimePreggo @blessed1508 It just feels so real doesn't it?! I woke up having to tell myself it was just a dream!! At least I'm not the only one /:
  • Yes, it felt so real! :( I have an appt wth my doctor in an hour so I'm just counting down the minutes that I can go and hear everything is fine and hear the hb for the first time.
  • Yes, I do and they feel so real. But as well I have had 2 miscarriages this is my 3rd pregnancy and going to be my first full term. So when I wake up crying from those dreams I make sure that I don't do anything too stressful that day just to be sure. I'm always scared something may happen.
    But I have to be hopeful.
  • With my last pregnancy i had a mc dream every nite since the day i found out..sure enough a few weeks later i mc at 6 weeks...
  • @mrssanchez1228 oh ow thats not something I wanted to hear ); sorry for your loss. I have high hope for my baby
  • yea im sorry im just being honest coz anything coujd happen. Trust me i did not want to mc but luckily im 14weeks with a new healthy baby nno bad dreams so far. Good luck. I wouldnt worry unless they are consistant like mine were...
  • Omg so crazy I had one last night tooo! Felt so real I almost cried I just looked after I used the bathroom and there was blood. I had a scare early in my pregnany. Im 19 weeks 2 days now.
  • I guess I just been thinking about it a lot because I'm moving into my second trimester and i'm starting to lose some of the bad symptoms of first trimester, so ever time I feel nauseous again I smile (: never felt so good to feel nauseous! Oh and my little flutters make me feel good too ! Just gotta stay positive laides (:
  • I had one tonight i'm 12weeks. Just like you ladies I'm so happy it was just a dream.
  • I had a dream just like that, when your pregnant I hear u have more crazy dreams . Its normal!
  • I keep having dreams about going into early labor and the baby is born in my panties. Im 27 weeks, and I've been having this dream for months.
  • Miscarriage dreams are generally caused by fear. I actually know the dream symbol for miscarriage AND NO I WILL NOT SHARE FOR EVERY WOMAN WHO READS THIS WILL DREAM IT. But you should be fine I dreamt of satan my first month pregnant and I'm a Christian it scared the begeezies iout of me.
  • Yes crazy dreams are said to be normal. I dream craziness almost every night. I use to dream like twice a yr
  • Ugh I have those, I had about two dreams so far.. it does feel real, and it scares the crap out of me because I had a miscarriage at 9 weeks last March .. the only mishap to pregnancy is that you can't control it from happening.. all you can do is pray girl.
  • Yeah and stay positive and have hope everything is okay (:
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