I have lost all control of reasoning and logic and I think one of them little bugars slipped me something in my gatorade, cause I've been nauseous for 2 weeks now!
Lmao omg that's awesome!!! I haven't been hit with not fitting in my jeans yet, they still fit comfortably at 30 weeks 3 days because I've only gained 7lbs total, but my sex life has been stolen!! Lol this post seriously made my day!
Wen I read dis I had to do nothin but laugh but dis made my day lol by da way im missing my purple lace panty n bra set so wat shud b done lol @booface
I lost my senses of breathing my nose has been clogged for the last couple of months if you find them please tell them to bring it back I really need it.
I will be 13wks tomorrow and I've lost my bladder control. Please, please, please return it when you find it because I don't want to have to start buying diapers again until my baby is born in October. :-)
I am reporting the following things stolen; My sanity My emotional stability Bladder control Sleep appetite Memory And im sure theres more, but due to the previous bein taken, i sure dont remember!!!! Lol
Jqualls is not to blame. Lol. I haven't completely lost my jeans BUT I've lost many other things. Patience Appetite Ankles Toes feet Vagina- yep mine went missing too. Woke up one day and it was just gone. Motivation Sense of humor (according to my husband BC I'm always cranky, LOL) Sleep Comfort and I'm sure there's more and more to come.
But for real you are cracking me up. Read these to my husband and he thinks we're all crazy. LOL he's just jealous.
Haha this is the funniest thing I have seen all day. Thank you so much. And thank you for the support on the missing objects. Haha I really needed it especially after missing my Vagina.
Ok code red everyone!!! We have missing vaginas!!!! That's just wrong!!!! I'm not giving mine up without a fight!!!
My sanity
My emotional stability
Bladder control
Sleep appetite
And im sure theres more, but due to the previous bein taken, i sure dont remember!!!! Lol
Vagina- yep mine went missing too. Woke up one day and it was just gone.
Sense of humor (according to my husband BC I'm always cranky, LOL)
and I'm sure there's more and more to come.
But for real you are cracking me up. Read these to my husband and he thinks we're all crazy. LOL he's just jealous.
luckily i havent been hit... muhahahahahaha lolz