Due 11/11/11 -baby 3

edited March 2011 in First Trimester
Anyone else on 2nd or more birth? Ive heard you show quicker with each one.


  • Congrats! Due nov 20 with second baby and I feel like this one is gonna show soon
  • I'm showing with baby #3 and I'm only 7 weeks! With #2 I was showing by 8-9 weeks
  • Glad to feel im not alone. I thought it was just bloating but dr said today its definitely my uterus popping up. Uggghhh...
  • I was freaking out the other day I was laying down and felt my lower belly supper hard and I was just like this isnt bloated lol
  • Well with my first at 3 mo I started to show with my second I started to show soon like at 2 months I looked double lol but I am chunky lol I'm on my 3rd I'm 5 months and I'm just starting to show. I'm. A big girl well I don't consider my self like huge or big but I know I'm thick yes that's the word lol but honestly with this preg is a lot diff every preg is but yes I just now am starting to see a lil bump
  • I'm on my second and due Nov 13. I'm curious when I'm gonna start showing too. With my first I didn't start showing till late in my 7th month but I had rock hard abs and stayed very active during pregnancy. This pregnancy not so much. I'm expecting to start showing soon.
  • I knew when i bent down to tie my shoe and had to check cause i thought i left my socks on my lap...it was my own stomach in the way. Lol
  • due 11/18 with #2, you're due on my birthday! and i believe that is true, i'm only 6 weeks and i look like i did wen i was 6 months pregnant with my first one.
  • Congrats! I am having my second also, I feel like my belly is already popping out even at 7 weeks; last time around I wasn't showing til 4 months! Good luck, my baby will also be here on 11/11/11. :)
  • Im on my third and 8 weeks and already showing I'm due 11/11/11
  • Im the same @cfa n im also showing
  • Congrats thts my bday
  • @xsuzy21x well I'm glad I'm not the only one now im in yoga pants everyday.
  • I'm on my second. With my first I started showing a 5 months. I'm 6 weeks now with my second and not showing yet but I'm way more active now than I was with my first. Its a coin toss..I'm very excited to start showing but I'm kinda not. I was all baby the first time and have the marks to prove it so I'm not ready to see what this baby is gonns do to me :)
  • I will be 9 weeks tomorrow and have a 7 year old son. With him I didn't show until 6 to 7 months. I am already showing like I'm 6 months along. I had to go buy maternity pants today because I couldn't wear jeans without it hurting and let me tell you I am so comfortable now. I thought it was bloatin but my stomach is hard and huge even when I lay down.
  • With my first I didn't show til four months, my second I showed around the same time but im on my third and swear I thought I could see it around seven or eight weeks.
  • Im not on facebook. Kind of sucks but cause of my husbands job i cant be on it. :-(
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