Planning to BreastFeed but Don't know anything about it !! HELP

edited March 2011 in Breastfeeding
I plan on breast feeding for financial and baby health reasons. I know i will be attending school too . I plan to use a PUMP and breastfeed my baby whenever im around , which will be ALWAYS, but i plan on continuing school and getting a job also . So do anyone think breastfeeding is a good idea? I know i can pump my breast milk and he can suck from a bottle but i want him to learn how to latch onto the Breast as well.


  • He will learn how to latch on to your breast at the hospital...also...just whenever you can breastfeed him...but ofcourse when your not there he will have to use a bottle. I did that with my daughter...unfortunately I dried up after about 2 months...
  • Thanks .. But i don't think imma have so many hours during Fall semester because of my child but just enough to be considered full time and have them early in the morning so i can be home with baby by noon =) and he will be breast feed. I don't mind him sucking on bottles because there will be times when someone will have to baby sit for me and i know they don't have milk n their breast ... lol
  • The hospital should have lactation consultants on staff to help out. I breastfed my 3 three girls and went good for a long while. But I am not good at giving instructions unless I was there. Lol, I get lost in my words. Your dr.s office should also have pamplets to help out. Good luck.
  • You should ask your doctor if the know any places that offer any classes on breastfeeding... and right after you have the baby one of the nurses should show you....
  • @texasmomma @epitts11 Thanks Ladies . Im sure they will talk about it . I have another doc appointment on monday so i'll ask them
  • Lol...yup...but also...just to keep your boobie milk going should spend like 30 minutes at school the bathroom or nurse office if they have one...that's what I did...pumped every two hours! But still I guess that wasnt good enough...
  • @1princess&;princeontheway they have a nursery at the school so hopefully when i get out or switch between classes i can feed him
  • Oooo...yea...that would be good!
  • You may want to check with your hospital, mine offered a breastfeeding class for moms to be. I learned so much from it and they also have a support group that meets once a week, I never went to meetings, but the class was great.
  • @supermommy Thanks !!! i hope i be a good mommy ... lol
    @jbandno3 I will be checking with my doctor on Monday to see what He says .. Thanks
  • Breastfeeding is a great choice! I breastfed my daughter for 10 months and am so glad I did. She never got sick while I was nursing & I saved so much money. I work full time so I pumped at work every 2-3 hrs and nursed when I was home. The bond my daughter & I have is amazing. WIC has lactating consultants that are a phone call away whenever u need them. It'll be challenging the 1st 2-3 wks but then your body will get adjusted to how much and how often your baby nurses. I'm not an expert but if you have any questions I'm here :)
  • @ricanmommy see thats y i chose to breastfeed because they don't get sick and im due in sept so i know the winter is going to be something else. I don't want my baby sick at all during the winter bcuz i was with my friend when her daughter was in the ER for a cold . we were there until 4am . Not ME! no. Thanks for the advice. im trying to breastfeed until he can drink regular milk.. lol save on the formula
  • I agree100%...sticking out breastfeeding was one of the best this I ever did...the bond that i feel it created between my son and I is so special...I was home a few months before I went back to work, but regardless of what anyone tells you, you can make it just have to be diligent and try to pump every two hours(which isn't honestly the easiest thing ever, but you can do it)...I have a lot of friends who breastfed/tried to breastfeed..and I will tell you the ones who were positive and kept positive about it were the only ones who were successful...just keep trying is all I can say..and unfortunately some peoples milk dries up early and if that happens it doesn't mean yiu long as you try its all that matters...and on that note, I have a completely random piece of I didn't pump when I first got home...I strictly hreastfd for like three weeks...I thought I was doing right by the baby by not pumping..all the while in between feedings I was leaking milk like as dumb as this may sound it never occurred to me to feed him and pump in between...I lost soooo much milk I could have stored and had for when I went back to work, when I was stressing about not having just a thought after feedings in the first few weeks when your milk comes in..PUMP LIKE CRAZY and store it away lol...hope it helps some..goodluck you can do it! :)
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