need help dont know what i need to buy for baby

edited January 2011 in Third Trimester
Hey everyone I'm 28 weeks pregnant and have been procrastinating on buying stuff for baby. I have know idea what I need. Can any one help by making a list for me
Thank you!


  • Onsies not a lot of newborn sizes they grow so fast. Hats mittens socks lots of blankets baby monitors baby swing nail clippers just in case they have drops for babys that have a lot of gas great to have on hand bottle warmer sterilizer binkys baby book rattles extra crib or bassinet sheets wipe warmer baby bath tub diaper bag rash cream baby powder baby shampoo and body wash burp clothes bibs . Rubbing alcohol we got wipes its to clean babies belly button . a jacket not to heavy my daughter was born April 28 and it was cold that's all I can think of right now
  • Thank you
    Your a great help!
  • I'm. 28 weeks too n pls don't forget to buy an infant car seat u will need that
  • Don't forget a bouncy chair, stroller, car seat, nail clipper and files, combs, spoons for later on, bottle brushes, bottles, if you plan on breastfeeding a pump and breast pads, nursing bras/shirts, rectal and ear thermometer, baby motrin/Tylenol for later on, baby powder/oil in case of cradle cap, q-tips, shampoo, baby wash, formula.
  • Thank you nelly04 and kayleesmommy
    I appreciate it.
  • Didn't see lotion on the list or diapers could have missed it though. Get a lot of the cloth diapers they're great to use as burp cloths. A lot better than what they sell as burp cloths. I also had a mirror that went over the back of the seat headrest to keep my daughter occupied.
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