Anyone else have to wait till end of april ?

edited March 2011 in December 2011
Does anyone else have to wait till the end of April to find out if preg?


  • I Have to wait til the 12th, which is my birthday so i'm hoping for good news! :)
  • Af is due the 12th for me as well. Good luck ladies! Waiting can b so hard. Hang in there. :)
  • I will have to wait til end of april or just into may, im trying to conceive this week :) which would give me a EDD of 01/01/12. My fingers are crossed for all of you xxx
  • I have to wait till the 25th. Good luck to all of us.
  • Im in may! The 11th...
  • Oh and if I do get preg ill be due the 12-25-11. :">
  • Hey casella, I will be due dec 23rd if period is due april 15th...good luck w the ovulation kits...I stopped using them bc I'm seeing a fertility dr! I recommend when they r getting darjer to take one @ day and one @ night bc I used to miss it sometimes! I've been trying to conceive since oct 09...have had 5 miscarriages and hoping this is our sticky one! Good luck to u! :)
  • I took a pregnancy test today, got a positive. My appointment isn't until April 28th. Ill be almost 8 weeks. I'm due about December 9th
  • I have to wait..i tried to have a baby before my husband deploys in late april..i think I have to wait till the 15th my due date if I am would be dec 20
  • i just had a miscarriage this week(3 weeks along) and the doc says if i were to get pregnant again this month that baby would be due around Dec. 31st. so now i have to wait until the end of April.... geesh
  • I just found out March 27 and they nake me an appointment for April 19 which puys me at 7.5 weeks. They said that itz common to have your first appointment then becauss thats when the pregnancy is viable and.measurable. congrats!
  • I have to wait hoping for a sticky BFP on the ninteenth if so ill be due 12/24/11 ;D goood luck to us all!
  • I am ttc this week. I will have to wait til the 25 to test and if it works this month it will be dec 30. :-) good luck to all of us and baby dust.
  • I have to wait until the 18th hopefully a positive ...this will be my 5 th baby and last my due date would be December 23 ya 4 days before mine. Good luck to all
  • Im suppose to ovulate tge 15th so my af is due the 30th
  • My birthday is the 16th sooooo I'm hoping I get a late bday present ;)

    I have to wait to find out on the 24th
  • **Good luck everyone. **
  • I do my af is due at the end of April. This will be the third time of us trying to conceive.
  • I have to wait until the 19th....goodluck to you all :)
  • I have to wait til 15th also.... Good luck ladies :)
  • I have 2 wait till the 15th as well. EDD is the 23rd of Dec
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