Stretch Marks question!

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone here hae no stretch marks the first one or two pregnancies but have them now? I ask because I gained about 35lbs each and never got any stretch marks. I'm normally 135lbs. Everyone says its genes, which may be true, but I use cocoa butter 2-3 times a day with both pregnancies. I've been doing the same so far (8 weeks today)...but just so scared I may get some this time.


  • I gained over 35 pounds with my son and had them everywhere . and with this pregnancy I use cocoa butter more then 3 times a day and I have stretch marks everywhere . my mom got atretch marks with both me and my sister . did your mom have any stretch marks ? im asking cause ive heard that stretch marks arent heredity but like you said you may have the genes to get them .
  • Im 35, this is my 5th pregnancy and dont have stretch marks on my belly but i do on my thights from previous pregnancy, what i recommend is use a lot of lotion , and if by any chance your belly or ur thights or breast itches dont scratch just rub your hands thru it, bcs scratching gives u stretch marks.
  • 2nd one my husband made cut my nails so i wouldnt scratch anymore. @kenziesmom216 i didnt know my mother growing up. My dad raised all 5 of im not sure.
  • edited April 2011
    I got stretch marks I put lotion on 2-3 (palmers coco butter) day..and I wasn't even itching at I thought I was good..NOPE..the last month they came out of no where..this pregnancy I'm putting vitamin E and vasline on. Idk about mom had 3 kids me back to back and no stretch marks!! My cousin just like me got them too and put the lotion on..but her sis didn't get them.
  • @saysay im sry . :( . well I wish you luck .
  • With my daughter (7 years ago) I didn't get one stretch mark, I used coco butter too day and night. I just hope I dont get any with my second.
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