dizzy n lightheaded

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Anyone know wot i can do to feel better... Just at work n feel awfull... Want to cry xx


  • Ditto to what Jenn said. If u have any way 2 check your blood pressure, u should do that too.
  • Are you anemic? That's how I am when I'm low in iron. I had to rest until I got my iron levels back up.
  • lots of Water n piece of candy helps me
  • I was always like that with my daughter drink plenty of water talk to your Dr you might be anemic I was but I had a horrible Dr so when my daughter was born she was severely anemic & I almost lost her, but rest & fluids!
  • I get low blood pressure ... I felt better after a few hours but us so scary never feel faint before.... I havent had much veg past few days maybe its that xx
  • Are you feeling any better sweetie?
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