anyone else waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat?

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
Since 34 wks I've been waking up in the middle of the night drenched in sweat... and cannot figure out why.. im not dreaming.. not covered by nothing except a sheet... I don't get it.. anyone else having this happen to them..?


  • I am 29 weeks and I've been doing the same thing. The heat in my house is set to 67 and I stay hot all the time.
  • Amen!! I'm 28 weeks and am so hot at night! My AC is at 68 and I still wake up sweating. Its rediculous but its because of the baby's added body heat probably
  • I'm same way, have with all my prenancies, two in winter and two late summer. Always been around 32 wks or so.
  • Omg I thought I was weird lol I'm 35 wks nd was sweating like crazy the other night gross nd I thought it was jst something weird but noe I feel fine knowing u guys sweat too lol
  • Im a lil over 22 wks and i get night sweats occasionally i hate it.. It dont matter how cold i make it at night i wake up sweaty
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