Baby names after m/c...Need Advice Please!

edited April 2011 in Baby names
I had a m/c in 2009 & it devistated me & my husband to the point that we were not even sure if we wanted to ever try again. God had other plans for us & I will be 17 weeks tomorrow w/ my second pregnancy and so far everything has been great. Last time, we went to group therapy and part of the "letting go" process was that each couple was given a small angel statue & we were told to write the baby's name under it as a remembrance. We both felt that the baby we lost was a girl & the name we had picked out was Alexandra so that's what we named our little angel. Now that I am expecting again, we have decided to keep the boy name that we had picked out last time and decided on a new girl name b/c we already have our little Alexandra angel. Some of my family have made comments that I need to decide on different names b/c it's "not right".One person even had the nerve to say the names "die w/ the baby". This has me so upset! I have explained to them but they keep insisting that we pick other names. The hormones are about to take over & it will not be pretty:) Am I wrong for feeling this way ladies or should my husband & I give in even though we have our minds made up? Oh & I should add that this will be the first grand son/daughter on both sides so opinions & suggestions are very strong...


  • Its not up to them this is your and hubbys decision so pick what ever name you want
  • This is your baby and you have been through enough and u should do what feels right to u
  • That's what my husband says but I guess it get's to me more b/c of the hormones...He says we will just name the baby & they can just deal with it:) Lol
  • Wow...well just my opinion but I think that if you like the name go for it! You already had your little angel Alexandra, and that was the name you chose for that baby, so I don't feel that anything else should matter. Sorry about your loss, also happy to hear that this pregnancy is going well :) I think it is sad that people are saying such harsh things to you. Where is the love & support, my goodness people! They need a kick in the ass. good luck!
  • i have a friend who delivered at 27 wks. the baby didnt make it, she named the baby tai alexandra. when she finally had another child it was a girl, and she honored tai by nameing her daughter alexandra nicole. so maybe you can give her the middle name, that way she will alway have a gaurdian angel!
  • My moms name is Alexandra and we are Cajun, that's a very common name in older generations of Cajun tradition. Where about are u from
  • @baileygoose- Thank you so much for the kind words! My hubby was reading & called the relative who made the rude comment...Let's just say they received a much needed ass chewing:) Lol!
    @beautifulnightmare- That is such a wonderful suggestion:) We won't find out what we're having til the 14th but if it's a girl that would be a fitting tribute...Thank you all for being so supportive, I feel like a weight has been lifted off of me:)
  • @singlemomofsoontobe3- We are big history buffs & love traveling to all the beautiful plantations around the state...Old cajun names just fit in with us:) I'm from the little country town of Carencro...Not sure if you have heard of it? Lol
  • I would do what feels right for you and your husband.
  • Yes pronounced (karencrow) very familiar. My family is from Lafayette
  • I am so sorry about your loss. I feel like the baby's name was your choice that time and is now also. It sounds like some of your family is being very insensitive and thoughtless. If your heart is set on your boy name, I would tell everyone, in a firm way, that your children's names are for you and your husband to decide, and it's not up for discussion. Congrats and best of luck to you.
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