I am 16 weeks and I had 3 pulled out at once 2 wisdom teeth and a molar that had fractured! You will be fine and the dentist won't do it unless you get a paper from your doc saying what he can and can't do and I believe the best time to have dental work is in your second trimester
yep i had xrays done to my paper from my ob said xrays if nessasary with lead apron shield....and it only goes around your head anyways but yep they sure can do them i even had chest xrays done by the hospital to check for pnemoina when i was sick they just wrapped lead aprons around my belly!!
Yes...i had root scaling today, they had to order special stuff for numbing with out epinepherine...it was horrible, I prolly lost a pint of blood in my mouth...barf!...but they prescribed me vicodin for pain on advice from my obgyn....i dont get it, is vicodin safe?
I'm a dental assistant...we only work on pregnant patients if it's an emergency. Second trimester is the safest, but still risky, especially something like extractions. Your dentist probably will want a medical release, and only let them do the absolute necessary x rays! Ask them to double up on the lead apron. If they do the one that goes around your head (pano) make sure they still wrap you with the lead apron, because if there's no extra risk, we don't with that one. And make sure they use plain anesthetic (no epinephrine), you'll be fine
Yep i def had to have a medical release it was pretty basic said i could have local antistic and x rays if needed with lead apron and routin dental work could be done and narcotics were ok for pain! But i was in horrible pain it was my two top wisdom teeth they were so cramped and were growing in crooked and it caused my molar beside it to fracture (ouch) but my ob didnt have a problem with it she said it was better to get them out then stay in constant pain!! I still need to have my bottom 2 wisdom teeth taken out but one is impacted so i can get one out and hope it takes the pressure of the other one...I have to have an ora surgeon get the impacted one out
no problem better to get it out now cuase the pain will only get worse and then you will start taking tons of tylonol atleast thats what i was doing it even came to the point i ran out and drank my kids liquid tylonol
My doctor told me that I could have xrays after I was 3 months along. I had a tooth pulled and some surgery replacing gum loss on my k9 tooth and they did xrays for both. As long as you get the okay from your obgyn or doctor it should be fine.