smoking cigs n 36 wks pregnant

edited March 2011 in Third Trimester
Okay pls dnt judge me I've been trying to quit but I cut back a lot but I'm so scared something lord forbid could be wrong with her at birth.....also I'm a s/ ceation on april 19 will this affect my breast milk or spinal I did smoked two tonite I was fighting with hubby ughhh I'm so freaking stupid


  • Im smoked the whole time with my last baby. He came out healthy. Im not sure about the breast feeding and spinal
  • Okay thnxs
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  • I'm sure you know the risks of smoking while pregnant and didn't need someone to spell them out for you. My sister has 3 kids and I know she smoked with all of them and they're fine, no health issues and the oldest will be 10 this year. Smoking makes your body take longer to heal, especially after surgery, so I would try to not smoke at least for a week before your c-section. I'm not sure if nicotine or the other chemicals in cigarette are excreeded in breast milk or not. By spinal do you mean your epidural?
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  • Well I dnt know all the risk of smoking during pregnancy that's why I ask for advice otherwise I wouldn't ask ....I stopped as of tonight no more smoking but I dnt no what's it called when they do a c section spinal or epidural but my daughter is a big girl she's 7 pounds now so just sometimes our mind plays on us
  • Im due April 19
  • X( dnt know what to do
  • I'm not sure..mayb ask your Obgyn?? I know my sis smoked thru her whole pregnancy..menthols mite I add (damn I miss n my nephew has a heart murmur..but its getting smaller n he's 2yrs 3mo now. Super cute =] good luck girl n I'm sure ull b fine..just ask the doc n if u dnt wanna, Jus quit till after the baby is here..
  • Not sure why you won't stop smoking for a healthy child, but you will to benefit YOUR health or your body to heal. Sorry, I'm just saying!
  • Just an fyi that the baby does get the nicotine so you may have a crabby baby while he or she is going through withdrawals from the nicotin
  • The mother of my god children smoked cigarettes with all of her pregnacies and her kids were healthy....cut back and do your best I'm sure it will be ok but I don't think u can breastfeed smoking because it will definetley be given to ur baby
  • Sometimes for a c-section, you get a spinal (one big shot, one time). Other times you get an epidural (a catheter that is like a long IV into your spinal column) if your doc thinks you'll need to stay numbed longer. Just depends. As for the smoking, it will take you much longer to heal and it's really important you try not to smoke after especially. It can completely ruin your healing and you could end up with a nasty infection and bad scar at the least. As for baby, good chance of low birth weight and even stillborn...prematurity, asthma, etc. Just info for you, no judgment.
  • I smoked the whole time with my son and have been smoking the whole time with this one . my son came out perfect no health problems and didnt go thru nicotine withdrawl . and as for ghe epidurel it wont do anything . I had an epidurel with my son and nothing went wrong . good luck mama .
  • I have a friend who smoked throughout her entire pregnancy and her last cig was on her way to be induced. Why she decided to quit when the baby was actually born and put her thru 9 months of smoking. Made me sad. What no one did mention is there are studies that show or they believe smoking around children cans cause SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome). If your baby has withdrawals she will not be happy so try not to get frustrated because she cant help it. Hopefully she doesn't but if so the only person you can blame is yourself.
  • I smoked a lot before I got pregnant. Quittng cigs was hard In the beginning I wud go 2 weeks without one and then something wud trigger it and I wud crave one. So I jus took a couple puffs and that was it. Now that I'm way further along my struggle thru out this pregnancy has been takin a puff of marijuana. I hve had hyperemesis the whole time been hositalized 4 times for malnutrition and dehydration jus from going a month without it. Now I'm 34 weeks and I dnt smoke.. I jus been losing 4 lbs a week since then but baby is good. I say do what ur body tells u too do and u will know when u need to stop. A womans body is a great tool and we do need to listen and protect it as good as we can.
  • I smoked with my first daughter who is now 5. She has no health issues n never has, not even withdrawls. By the time she was 4 weeks old she slept through the night. Yes the night, bottle @ 10-11 n not again till 5-6. Ive smoked during this pregnancy also somedays more than others. Smoking will not affect a epidural, but they say to wait four hours after smoking to breast feed because everything we ingest goes to baby. o n heart murmur my cousin didnt smoke n her son had one but he's 3 now n its fine. His Dr said its common n babies and fixes itself.
  • II am scared of the same thing even tho with my son I smoked and he is healthy and I crest feed but my doc. Thirty min. To an hour bf Brest feeding so irk
  • I am a smoker, couldn't quite quit while I was carrying my daughter. Didn't affect her as far as I could tell, but I did notice after she was born that after smoking, she didn't seem to get enough milk. I don't know if that was because of the nicotine in the milk, or because smoking actually reduces your bodies ability to make milk. I kept breastfeeding, and after a few weeks, she got enough milk. If you do smoke after, make sure its right after a good feeding so the nicotine has more time to leave your body before the next feeding.
  • We all know smoking is bad. I would talk to your doctor to make a plann to quit for you and your baby. You should quit because smoking even if done away from the baby incresses the chances of SIDs. I know it is hard I have been there. My doctor gave me welbutrian (sp) I haven't smoked since and it only took 2 months! Good luck hun!
  • I know a ton of people that smoked through out pregnancy, and they all have fine babies, even breastfed with no problems and my friend even had a c-section, baby is healthy and fine. we all know there are risks. I was lucky and quit smoking 4 months before i got pregnant. but i heard its way harder to quit when you are pregnant unless it makes you sick, also it can cause alot of stress on baby if you quit while pregnant, so personal choice i think. good luck with your pregnancy
  • Thnxs to all u ladies greatly APPRECIATE. THE ADVICE :*
  • Good luck girlie!
  • I smoked the whole time with my son...I also had no idea I was pregnnt until he was coming out. He was a preemie and had pneumothorax (undeveloped lungs)
  • I smoked, quite a bit, before I found out I was pregnant. I quit the day I got a positive test. It can be done! You just have to put the health of your child first. Believe me, I still think about smoking, especially now, my hubby just left for a long deployment today and won't be here for the birth, I have a 3 yr old that's driving me crazy, but I just remind myself that I have another life growing in me and counting on me to keep "her" safe and healthy. Not judging or being rude, but just think like that. Best of luck!
  • Good for you @sands3! I wish more people were as selfless and considerate to their unborn as you! ;)
  • I smoked alot wr my daughter didnt find out I was prego till 4 months... Non the less I quit had one or two the rest of the pregnancy and I think it has led to multiple ear infections wr her. Hads to hv tubes in at age 1 and 1/2.. Has asthma now and others health issues.. None the less I would go bk and redo what I did I was a dumb 18 yr old...

    Now w my second on the way due in may, took me a couple weeks but I quit and am so proud and grateful I did.. but same token I still crave them and when I smell smoke it smells delish but I wont touch the things!!
  • For there to be any real concern you would have had to have smoked half a pack a day your entire pregnancy... if you didn't then the only possible problem is your baby will have a low birth weight but that doesn't seem like an issue either.. as for your epidural during your c-section you'll be fine.. nicotine doesn't affect that... I would discuss with your doctor before just quitting because quitting cold turkey at this point could cause the baby to go through withdrawals because they've been getting nicotine doses this whole time and in a sense are addicted but that as well is based on how many you smoked a day during your pregnancy..... other then that.. I don't think you have anything to worry about.. my best friend and sister smoked during their pregnancies and both delivered completely healthy babies in August 2010 and neither mom smoked more then 5 cigarettes a day.. I hope all goes well with your c-section..
  • I've been smoking for 15 years almost a pack a day. When I took my pregnancy test and saw that it was positive, I smoked my last 3 and quit cold Turkey. That was 7 months ago and I haven't had one since. I personally quit for my unborn baby. Smoking is bad for you, we all know it but its our own decision to do it to ourselves. I would never do it to my unborn baby that didn't have a choice. No judgment, just letting you know that it can be done.
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