Is Kentworth a stupid name?

edited April 2011 in Baby names
Just curious what you folks think. Be honest! My husband hates it. X_X


  • I, dont like it. But I also liked broderick, and my husband hated it. after a few weeks I realized I dont like it either, lol.
  • Nay from me too hun. But I'm not a great namer boy due 6/25 and noone likes Elliot :(
    Everyone likes Jaden. You name ur son anything u want tho!
  • Yeah. This kid has a better chance of actually being named Blueberry! :p
  • you're my boy blue!
  • @Jaime77 - Elliot is cute! (but that's coming from someone who likes the name Kentworth!) :/

  • My baby is going to be Elliott James Murphy if its a boy, no one was keen on it at first, now its growing on them.
    I like just Kent x
  • @ aww! I'm a lil jelly ;) I luv my baby boy and @28weeks I want to say his name not I feel Jaden is cute but follows the latest trend in names.
  • I love Kentworth. I hope you get to use it, it's a great name. :)
  • I personally don't mind it except that it reminds of the brand of semi trucks Kenworth, and that is what I keep reading when I see the name Kentworth.
  • I think it could work as a middle name better than a first.
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