who wants a girl



  • I want a girl:) I have a strong feeling it is a girl. My boyfriend on the other hand wants a boy. My brother & sis n law are expecting their first as well I am, they are having a boy. so my mom will have 2 grand babies in one year! My moms hoping for a girl too.
  • When I found out I was pregnant, I was the one that wanted a boy and my boyfriend wanted a girl.. but once I found out I was having a girl I was super happy.. I'll be 30 weeks Thursday.
  • I want a girl but I think I am having a boy. My husband lost his daughter when she was 6. Would love to give him another daughter.
  • I already have 2 girls...but I think I secretly want another one. I feel like I would be soo lost with a little boy at this point! Lol either way I will be sooo happy! =)
  • I have two lil boys so it would be nice to have a lil girl this time. Most important thing is that my baby is healthy...a lil girl this time would be an extra bonus! :-)
  • I have a 17month old son so we are really hoping for a girl this time. My fiance is almost positive that it is & he was right with the last one so we'll see :) my gut is telling me girl as well so fingers crossed! But of course we will be happy either way :)
  • My boyfriend and I both really want a girl. I've had several people tell me they feel like it's a girl, but I won't know for another 6 or 7 weeks :/ I know I'll just be happy with a healthy baby, but a girl can dream can't she? lol!
  • I do after 2 boys n I got my wishbaby girl due 21st may yay
  • I really want a girl!!! its my first baby & I'm soo excited, but I would be happy with a healthy boy or girl :)
  • My hubby wants a grl...lol but I don't care as long as this babys healthy I will b super happy!
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