random thought

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
This is my first baby and I must say I am excited but I'm 28 weeks and I'm starting to freak out....I'm hoping I will overcome the fear....my bf is a very big help to me but sometimes j get frustrated and I'm very emotional toothed point that I push him away cause my nerves get bad....I'm hoping I'm not the only one with the mood swings and things


  • Ur not its normal im moody all the time and front really know why half the time or what's wrong with me.
  • I just hope that I'm a good mother to my child, cause he going to be here faster than it feels
  • Your not alone I'm only 14 weeks and I push my husband away a lot. He finally asked if it's something he's doing wrong that's making me so sad. Just talk to him so he can better understand what your going threw.
  • Once your baby gets here ur hormones will start to go back to normal. I promise. This is my second pg and they do go back to normal. My husband is counting down the days til that happens. Lol
  • Well he knows he has 2 kids from a previous relationship but I feel like maybe I'm pushing him away to go out and do something
  • Sweetie tell him it just hormones and if the truely love you he will understand since he has two other kids. Well he should by now. Lol
  • Aaww. Iam da same way. Iam on my second pregnancy & this one seems worse. My mood is all ova & i tend to do da same w l my bf. I feel bad afterwards...i try to xplain to him. I kno he understands & things r hard bcus iam considered high risk bcus of my last i developed preaclampsia so dis pregnancy needs more attention & we already hav a 20 month old who keeps us going! It will get betta soon! When yu feel up to it..try & do something nice w l yur bf. Even if its cuddling & watching a funny movie. No chick flicks cus we r xtra sensitive rite now. Lol. But trust me...it is all worth it in da end. CONGRATS & GUD LUCK!!
  • @mommysbabyboy..yu will b a gud mommy! Everything seems to come naturally after yur bby gets here. Things may b tough @ first but in time..it gets better! I found the best thing is schedule!!! Az soon az yu & yur bby leaves the hospital try yur best to get a lil schedule going. Even tho w l a newborn things r unpredictable. Lol. & REMEMBER::SLEEP WHEN HE SLEEPS.!! even if yu r not tired...try & do some thkngs around the house yu need done & rest. Even if its fa 30 mins..it DOES make a difference! Yu will b fine sweetie! Being a MOTHER is the greatest gift anyone can recieve...enjoy!! :)
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