im wimpyy wit a badd back. What shouldd I do about birth

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Okayy so I wieghedd likee 101 pounds begore I got pregnant. I still havenn gainedd a wholee bunchh of weighh ndd to topp it all off I havee a super badd lower backk. Likee its so badd that onee time I was holdingg a waterhosee for a whilee watering my high schools baseball fieldd ndd whenn I put it down my hands weree.shakinn likee if I was freezingg. /: im so scaredd the epidurol will really mess uhpp my back buhh I dnt want a c-sectionn buhh natural birth is to painful for mehh.? Idkk wat to do.?


  • They have other forms of pain meds. And pain management classes you can take as well. I am going to labor In water because it relieves pressure and helps with contractions. I'm sure your Dr has lots of stuff They can give you. Ask ahead of time for your different options
  • I alsoo havee this badd habit of bendingg over backwards on the sidee of the aofaa to popp my backk. Is that badd for the bby.?
  • I don't know I Do That all the time too. I know someone told me to go to chiropractor because pregnancy can make back worse So before you deliver have a chiropractor adjust your back...
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