should i go to the hospital????

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
So last night my Bf and I had sex and when I cleaned myself I saw blood, it wasn't a huge amount of it so I didn't think much of it, but today all and I had cramps and had a lot of discharge with a little bit of blood. At my doctors office there's only an answering machine... what should I do????????


  • How far along are you?
  • I would call the ER- someone on staff should be able to advise if you should go in. If they can't answer your questions, then definitely go in; better safe than sorry. Good luck :)
  • My doctors office is the same way, but they usually say call labor and delivery at your local hospital. If you are worried its best to talk to someone medically. Good luck...
  • It really depends on how far along you are, but you prob don't need the er.
  • @angels_Mami I'm 14 wks
    Thanks I'm going to call the hospital and see what they say =/
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