ultrasounds at wat weeks do u get em...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I had one at 8 weeks 12 weeks and I just had one April first found out baby was a girl...so my question is do u get another one at 20 weeks to confronted the sex?


  • 18-20 weeks u/s tells you the sex. but I'm not understanding you.
  • It really depends on ur doc. I got one at the first appt. And then 1 at 20 weeks to tell the sex of baby but every doc. Does things differently
  • Ok @mayprinceontheway um 17 weeks is wat um saying now um asking does ur ob confirm the sex at 20 weeks I go back on April 26
  • Between 18 & 20 weeks. depends on your doctor.
  • Oh ok cuz I was scheduled I guess on the 1st where they do the ultrasound to check the baby at the hospital and was told it was a girl I just wanna know can my doc confrimed by doc since I will be 20 weeks
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