AF due March 14th, still BFN. This girl is going nutters!

Granted, I am occasionally irregular, but I was hoping by day nineteen of my missed period I would have either a big, fat positive or AF. This means I have not had my period since February 14th. :-?

I have a regular appointment on April 20th with my doctor, so if I do not see my monthly little friend by then, she is going to run a blood test on me. As of right now, it is a waiting game, and I am getting a little impatient. Hopefully I am one of those people who only show up with a blood test. I am starting to worry just a little, though.


  • I hope you are just one of those ladies too good luck and lots of baby dust
  • edited April 2011
    I hope you get that BFP withe the blood test.

    Not to be a debbie downer but if you haven't gotten a BFP by now and your AF was due March 14th. It could be that AF skipped a a visit. Its not rare to miss a month and not be pregnant. When is your next period due?

    Then again it could be that the level of the hcg in urine isn't high enough to detect. I would go to my doctor before my scheduled appointment.

    Sometimes HPTs aren't always accurate. I always try to remember (I used to in retail) that sometimes the box would fall in the storage room or fall off the dolley on they way to the store and sometimes during delivery to the store. That could mess with your results.

    Also any doctor, nurse, physician and the box will tell you that if you get a "positive", "negative" or "faint lines" you should STILL call your doctor or physician to schedule an appointment to make sure.

    I hope that helps... sending you lots of luck and babydust. %%-
  • Same here. af. ..late for 9 days which is not normal for me. I'm pretty regular. U have any symptoms of pregnancy? Thinking of getting blood test on Monday.
  • I mc Feb 18th and got my period 6 weeks I know your pain. The wait sucks and you feel not normal and worry that everything is ok down in those precious organs!!! Baby dust!! Fingers crossed for ya love!
  • @desertrose Thank you. I hope so too, but I am being honest with myself that this is probably not my month.

    @veevee I have spoken with my doctor, and given my prior medical history of missing cycles, she and I mutually decided to wait until my appointment to test. In the meantime, on the off chance I am pregnant, she agreed with my plan to continue on with my prenatal vitamins and folic acid supplement. However, as you mentioned, I may have missed a month, which is not entirely unlikely with my past. The nursing student in me immediately went into logical mode about nine days in, evaluating my medical history and the current factors in my life while taking into consideration the chance of low hormone levels, so I am a little restless until April 20th. In reality, I will probably have to "restart" my cycle, so to speak, since I can go a few months without a cycle (one time, a year - all medically normal, just AF MIA).

    @luvtznw The only sign I have of pregnancy *or* AF is sensitive breasts. However, this isn't a tell-tale sign for me, since sometimes this happens without being related to either. (For instance, laundry detergent sensitivity.) Since you are usually regular and now you are coming close to being two weeks late for your cycle, have you considered scheduling an appointment with your doctor?
  • I didn't have a period the while month of nov and hour my period right before christmas it was 25 days late!
  • edited April 2011
    Definitely. .....I'm going to have blood test on Monday. Im ready
  • Good luck. Hope u get a positive.!!!
  • I am 25 days late and tests are negative I've to wait 6 to 8 weeks b4 doctor will do anything :(
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