on and off bleeding with no pain

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Have any of you had on and off bleeding with no pain. Checked with gyn everything was looking promising, my hcg level was doubling but can't explain why I sometimes bleed..(not heavy)..can anyone else relate


  • Well I had a period with my first pregnancy when I was 14 and I didn't know I was prego. And I was 12 weeks when I found out. I was on bc though. I would ask to be monitered close
  • How far along are you @MommyMookie?
  • I'm the same way! I'm 8w4d n been spotting for a couple of days on n off. Doc tells me not to worry if there is nocramps or more blood than a period. That I'm may just b the baby implanting itself. I go back to doc n the morning for a u/s. Praying everything is ok for all of us!
  • I had spotting twice I'm 10 weeks. I keep my doctor updated, she put me on bed rest, ordered an ultrasound and tested my hgc levels... the ultrasound looked good, I'm relieved....
    I've heard bleeding is pretty common, but tell your doc...
  • I'm due Oct 28th
  • Thanks to all.. just wanted to see how common it is. I'm not in any pain at all and my hcg levels are rising appropriately ..I go in for an ultrasound this coming week so please pray for us and ill check back in with updates
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