17 and ttc? Seriously?? I'm sorry but that is ridiculous to me. You should be 17 and ttgtc...trying to go to college. I understand getting preg on accident but actually trying to do that to your future?? Ugh disgusted
Good luck ladies! Marriage is a beautiful thing as long as its with the right person and you guys have a great foundation(God)! Even though its very stressful at times I wouldnt trade my husband for the world.
I think ttc at 17 is kind of rediculous. Yes, you can easily make a wonderful mother. But I personally don't think 17 is the age to be making those decisions. Plenty of growing up and maturing to do, and that's something you can't necessarily rush. I'm 19 and pregnant. It's not like I did much to prevent it, but it's definitly not something I planned on even thinking about for many years. But to each there own. Best of luck. And congrats on the marriage.
I got married @ 19. It was after we had our son. Marriage lasted 16 years, pretty good for 2virgins out of highschool. Lol We are still good friends but "growing up" together was hard. I always felt like the adult, we are both 34 now and he's still a kid welcome to pregly and good luck.
@mommytobe1 if you read my entire comment you would see its different if its by accident but to be purposely trying to concieve at 17 is ridiculous. You're not even grown at 17 who are you going to take care of another human. My taxes go to this crap? And I'm sorry to break it to you but an associates degree gets you no where. Congrats on getting it but if you wanna get somewhere you have to keep going and with a baby it not going to be easy.
K. I said I'm still going. And SOME school is better than no school. And pay taxes too, I don't mind that my taxes help others? I don't know who you think you are...but you're no better than the rest of us
Paying your taxes to help pay for a child having a child on purpose is ok?! Not with me. Yes I do feel better, as I know I can provide for my child without asking for help. THATS the only reason someone should actively start trying to have a child, knowing you can provide for them.
I can too. Glad youre happy on your high horse though, good luck with that. Iv never once asked for help from anyone, but I sure as hell wouldn't be afraid to.
You really should wait be marred for a bit b4 ttc make sure ur really ready to have a baby invade ur alone time with ur soon to be hubbie congrats on that but as some one who just got married then pregnant to soon I don't regret it but it does add a lot of pressure I'm not trying to come off mean just hope you really thought this through a bby is a big responcibilty
Congrats! Im 18, got pregnant by accident but have always wanted a child young, so im sort of happy it happend now you should really stay in college though, just attempt to finish quicker. Good luck though!
@mommytobe1 just make sure your ready. I'm on wic it helps. U may b young but then again I'm, only 20, your gona do what you want like I did I had my first at 19 and currently prego again due in,may. Congrats on the marriage, I wish I was married before I got prego but I'm engaged now &nd love my child and soon to be,next one. Good luck on the ttc!
To all that are putting her down....your like 2 yrs older than her so why don't you re think about talking shit about her having a baby! And @lovemybelly111908 do whatever you and baby daddy feel is right. If you think you can an y'all both want to then best off luck to you:)
@Lovemybelly 111908....please b sure this is what u want cause me and my sons dad had the same plan till I was pregnant and he realize that's not what he wanted he ran from me and our son for 9 years he's back now cause he grew up I felt he can't let his child suffer but...what I'm trying to say is be sure the other person is serious be cause at the n of the day the only person ppl hold responsible for that baby is the mom
I'm 20 so I'm not some old fart saying this. Lol
We are still good friends but "growing up" together was hard. I always felt like the adult, we are both 34 now and he's still a kid welcome to pregly and good luck.
And @lovemybelly111908 do whatever you and baby daddy feel is right. If you think you can an y'all both want to then best off luck to you:)