pee test,drink nasty orange thing,blood test



  • I did It at 5weeks 4dayss
  • My doc told me between 24 and 28 weeks. I'm 24 this week so I'm just gonna get it over with.
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  • Woah welll idk.
  • I took both and had to fast for the three hour, whole point is to check your FASTING blood glucose before having anything in your system. For the 1hr you drink 50g of glucose (pure sugar) and grit the 3hr you drink 100g of it. I also failed both and am now on insulin to treat gestational diabetes
  • If u fail they'd call you if not u won't hear about it until ur next appt :)
  • @Catiecakes okay thank-you: )))
  • When i took mine the drink was cold and i had only 5 minutes to drink it all. The only glucose test they told me i would have to fast for was the 3 hour test. Took my test on a Thursday and got the results back on the following Monday.
  • @ pregojenn: my doctor does them at 26 weeks.
  • @Hurstk: yah they told me tooo fast andd I only had 5min too drink the orangiee sodaa o w.e it wass lol...:)))
    but I've got noo results yet hoping for results tomorrow since its mondaay
  • I go for mine on the fourteenth. They told me I could eat breakfast as long as it didn't contain sugar. They told me to eat some eggs or plain toast. I didn't have to drink the orange syrup with my first baby. My midwife gave me a choice of eating black jelly beans or drinking two boxes of winnie the pooh juice. I took the juice of course. And for some reason I can't recollect doing it for my second even though I know I would have had to. Not looking forward to it cuz I heard it tastes really nasty... what is the consistency of it?
  • To me its like concentrated orange soda minus the caffiene
  • Mine was yummy fruit punch. Didnt taste sugary at all. Lol. I guess different drs have different ones. They dont tell you if you pass it till your next visit like they did me. Im sure theyll call you in if you fail it. GL :)
  • Mine was the orange stuff. It gave me a bad headache. They use to have coca cola flavored which i thought tasted better but people complained about it so they got rid of it.
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  • Its normally done at 26 weeks. Some doctors may want to do it early if you have a family history of diabetes.
  • I had my glucose test done when I was 15 wks...and it tasted yummy like fruit punch the nurse didn't specify orders so I chugged it....everythin was normal....I go back the 19th of April and she said its gon be another glucose tst......hope that one comes out good
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