24weeks and homeless HELP

edited January 2011 in UK
Can any one help I'm 24 weeks and now homeless i really don't know where to turn or what to do.


  • Are you fromEngland? If so you need to contact your council or local womens centre who will hopefuly signpost you to a homeless shelter or mother and baby unit. It's late now so you may need to contact the emergency social adult services. Google your area. Take care
  • Depending on where you live there are many options open to you. I'm going to assume that you have no family/friends that can take you in. Because turning to them would be one of the first things to try.

    Do a search for woman's shelters, or anytype of public housing.

    Often churches/comunity centers/libaries will have buliten boards with fliers to help people out.

    Free clinics/hospitals could also offer you asssistance.

    http://www.madonnahouse.net/ They are based out of Illinois but that is just a quick google search done by me, I'm sure if you type in your location you can find somthing.

    All states offer some sort of free medical assistance, it might not be much but it will atleast keep your baby and you healthy. They should also be able to offer you some help or atleast tell you where to go.

    Good Luck, hope this helped.
  • Hope you are okay and have found some shelter?
  • edited February 2011
    I'm praying for u and your baby, I hope u find somewhere to live soon. Stay in prayer good luck.
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