Is There Anybody Due In June?



  • Im not sure yet
  • @kat I agree that I will do both so I can lose weight faster I gained so much
  • I'm due June 13th with my first little girl I'm so excited just wish things would all work out I'm only 21 and my life has been a struggle n a blessing lets hope for both her n my sake we get it figured out! Congrats to u ladies tho
  • I wont know exact date til monday, first us. I jus found out im preg in feb. So its lije i only have to be preg forv5 months! Lol cant wait til june!
  • I'm due June 28 with my baby girl.. This is my first child n I'm very excited. Everything has been going goof except for back pain
  • Im due june 20th with my fourth. Have two boys and a girl already. I was sick alot, still have morning sickness sometimes. Im not really showing at all yet, most people just think I gained 10 pounds over the winter. I am planning a completely natural birth, my daughter was born in the van on the way to the hospital, so I know I can do it. I breastfed my daughter for a year, and plan to bf this one too. I will be having my tubes tied after delivery, four kids is enough for me!
  • And I haven't had many braxton hicks yet, just some every now and then. With my daughter I had mini labor every week, so im glad its different this time!
  • I'm due June 8 with twins
  • Gabriela how much have u gained already?
  • June 25 is my due date
  • June 8th w/ a lil princess. Been going gud she jus move so much nd always kicking
  • @kat man its do embarrassing to say bit I think 25-30lbs im in my 8th month
  • Excuse the typos lol
  • @kekehavingtwins God Bless You! It eill be over soon, my sis had twin girl&boy fraternal I seen what she went through sya'll strong women... The twins are 6 now!
  • Gurl thats nothin I gained 40 pounds
  • That's what I'm having and I basically take carw of my 1 yr old neice so a toddler plus twins wheeh lhh. What are u having?
  • @kat I felt so fat my gd say they only gained 20-25 lbs &&they were so.small, I felt some type of way folks that know me said I don't look big but I think they just saying that so I won't feel bad bit I know they'll tell me the truth after I have the baby

    @kekehavingtwins how many weeks are you? And hows the pregnancy so far? I totally understand how you feel when it comes to raising neices & nephew I havr 6 of em and helped raised em
  • I'm 7 months and the pregnancy has been hard running after my neice and I haven't gained much weight. But I only have 2 more months too go.
  • I'm going to be 30 weeks, I'm due on june 16 but i have a feeling it will be in early june.
  • I think and hoping I get to have this bby late May
  • Gabriela your fine im huge lol but that all changes after the baby thank god lol
  • Im prayin I go in in may..
  • yeah me too (:
  • Lol thanks @kat so do I lol im hoping I do too
  • gud luck to both of us :)
  • Due June 25 I can't wait
  • I 2nd that @kat lol
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