ok I need some help and advice...please dont judge or be rude

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
I am 9 weeks today with my secon pregnancy. I am currently a smoker and I wanna quit for my unborn child and also my 7 year old son and myself. I smoked with my son and felt horrible for it but never quit, I just cutt back a lot. He turned out fine a week late and 9 pounds. I don't want to play russian roulette with this child and I am having problems quitting and found that the stress of quittin cold turkey can hurt the baby. I don't have the support that most smokers need to quit from my side of the family because they all smoke. His side of the family yells at me and makes me feel worthless or I shouldn't be carrying the baby for being inconsiderate. They smoke too and won't stop around me. I was wondering what I can do to stop smokin without hurting the baby. And also need support....this is going to be hard since I have smoked for 13 years.....HELP ME PLEASE!!!


  • They have a prescription called Chantix. See if you'd doctor will let you take that. It helps you quit smoking.
  • Would it hurt the baby?
  • Not sure. But if your ob puts you on it then it should be safe.
  • Talk to ur doc. I don't know about taking it preggo but the doc should know ways to help u.
  • Use patches
  • I think your best bet is to talk with the doctor and see what they recommend , because you're right, quitting cold turkey can put your body and the baby under stress. And congrats on wanting to quit for you and your kids! :)
  • Yes Chantix will hurt your baby. I too am a smoker and have been for 15 years. I smoked with my first and still smoke now at 18 weeks. The stress of cold turkey will hurt the baby. I obviously can't offer advice since Im in the same boat. All I can say is take it one day at a time and if you
    need someone to talk to I'm here.
  • Patchs r no nos...u a electic cig..i do n i been raley using it now so im almost a non smoker now..
  • Thanks everyone I go the 11th and will ask my doc for help =) and mamac you just put a smile on my face and made me cry (I'm very emotional with this pregnancy) I think I needed to hear that support <3 thank you
  • Chantix if you have any kind of depression it will make you feel like your on the bottom of the world!
  • @ mommyof2 I would love to be quittin smokin buddies =) maybe we can help and support each other!
    @babyluv what is electric cigs? Is this something I can ask my doctor for?
  • @ mystic yes I have been experiencin a lot of depression during this pregnancy is this normal or something I should tell my doc too?
  • edited April 2011
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  • @gatorbob thank you so much! Well they knew I smoked when I went in for my "positive" test. I actually was seeing them due to a cyst on my left ovary. When I went for my follow up I had taken a home pt to see if I was cause I felt different. My cyst was gone and I was pregnant! All they told me to do was quit drinking my monsters (I was drinking 5 to 7 a day) and to cutt back on smoking. But I wanna do more than cutt back I wanna quit. I will ask them about zyban I have it written down along with the others mentioned here =)
  • No u have to buy them ....usually at tabbaco stores but they taste like cigs n look like cigs but plastic or metal they have over hundreds of flavors..also u can smoke them anywhere..cuz u blow out smoke but its like vapor smoke n dont have a smell..i love mine..it tottally worth it
  • @babyluv_3 I will definitely check that out thanks so much <3
  • edited April 2011
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  • I smoked but recently quit for the sake of bb. I know all docs have different opinions and information...but if it makes you feel a little better, my doc told me if you quit smoking @ 12 weeks your baby will never know you smoked. I hope this helps you a little...the easiest way for me was cold turkey everyones different. I wish you the best of luck!
  • Ask about Wellbutrin. Its safe during pregnancy but you have to stop taking it after a certain time. Good luck. I'm in the same boat too. I've cut back alot to about 2-3 a day but I'm working on it
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  • I've never been a smoker, well I was, but never got addicted to it so can't relate. But you should probably talk to your doctor also possibly start seeing a counselor who could help you out with the stress of quitting. You really cannot smoke while pregnant, your son may have came out fine but he could have health problems later on in life like learning problems. You shouldn't take the risk with this baby. I can't stand even being around smoke since I got pregnant, I would never smoke while pregnant.
  • and smoking electric cigarettes are still a no no, it may be just vapor you're inhaling but it still contains nicotine which is harmful.
  • I dont smoke but my mom did for like 30 yrs and has been smoke free for the past 6. What really helped her was going to a free smoking cessation class at our local hospital. We met a lot of great people there and she got a lot of support from people who were going through the same thing. I would look to see if your county has anything like that. She also used the patches and they worked great for her. Being a women makes quiting alot more difficult so dont beat yourself up just try your best to quit :) I hope I was some help!
  • My doc is having me take the bupropionsr she said it should help me stop smoking with in a few weeks and its an antidepressant, I have only been taking for 3 days so far so I can't tell you if it works or not. But definitely talk to your doc.
  • @gatorbob - Thank you so much!
    @TandTsbb - as long as I quit by 12 weeks? I am going to try to not pick up a cig in the morning when I wake up. I'm gonna stick it in my head and try for the best <3
    @prayingformiracles - I will definitely ask about it. congrats on the 2-3 a day that's better than where I am at! I know you can do it!
    @ashabash - yes I don't want to take the risk with this baby that's why I want to quit. I was stupid when I had my son and felt teriable for it. (I think I mentioned that already) I was lucky for nothing to happen to him, but not so sure if I would be lucky again. And I thought this would be the perfect time to quit :D
    @somastar - I definitely will have to look for support groups thanks for the advice <3
  • Omg! I'm In the same boat! I'm use to smoking like 10-12 cigarettes a day. I'm 6 weeks and I really want to quit. I've never quit with my other 3 but cut back alot. A pack will last me a week. Now I am down to 4 cigarettes a day. I take out what my limit is for the day and put the rest of the pack away. It is very stressful and maybe we can support eachother!
  • I know zyban or the electronic cigarretes are still not healthy to continue but they actually have a way to quit smoking using it..its the oral habit of the cigarrete and the nicotine just gives a false sense of relief on stress. So the electronic cigarretes have different inserts that have a lesser amount of nicotine then some with none so you are literally smoking flavored air! Look into it because I quit a year ago before I was pregnant luckily so I went cold turkey, but it might work for you. Google it online and I'm sure there is info out there :)
  • Don't even ask about chantix. It is very dangerous even when your not pregnant. One of the side effect that no-one gets told about is homicidal thought and actions. If you look it up there is an extensive list of issues. I wouldn't let my fiance take after looking it up
  • My sister is a smoker, she tried to smoke only one cig a day. most of the time it was way more than one Baby is fine and healthy. The only thing you got to worry about is the baby's health when he or she is older in their adult years
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