7 weeks 4 days and my first pregnancy..help!

Hi, im 7 weeks pregnant. Due nov 17th! I have absolutly no appetite the last week or two. I feel nauseous at the thought of food. Any also my boobs are extremely sore nd im getting a lot of headaches. This is my first pregnancy and i havent a clue whats normal or not and would appreciate if anyone had any advice or tips on what foods is good etc..thanks!


  • I'm 8 weeks and four days I've had the same problem. Whenever I think food sounds goods as soon as I smell it I need to throw up. I'm running out of foods t t eat. I haven't found anything that helps yet. Had lots of people give me tips and advice and so far nothing has worked.
  • Totally normal symptoms...just get a lot of rest and fluids.
  • My Dr even gave me Zofran which is a pill that melts under your tongue... It tasted so gross I threw up. :( sorry I'm not much help.
  • I'm 11 weeks pregnant and I can't handle the thought of eating food right now. I'm going to call doctor in the morning to see if there's anything I can do.
  • It gets better.. I swear. I am almost 13wks and it is finally getting better. I can hold down food again. Just east when and what you can... And drink lots of fluids >:D<
  • Try fresh fruits and fluids....
  • My due date is also Nov 17th! My fist as well too. My boobs are sore, i suggest sleeping with a sports bra to keep them tight, it feels much better, and on bad days, throw your sports bra in the dryer and pull it out and immediately put it on, the heat helps a lot! At least it does with me. I have no morning sickness and foods haven't changed for me, but i know there's these morning sickness things you can get at Wal-Mart that should help. Make sure to get prenatal pills, eat lots of fruits and veggies! If you can't stomach that, maybe yogurt? I hoped i helped a bit!
  • Thanks very much everyone..all great help. Nice to hear other ppl have d same symtons n everytin is normal lol! Def gonna try the sports bra v.gud idea thanks mommamoon!! Im not a great eater i eat a lot of rubbish but will try the fruit nd veg, hopefully wil help sum bit! Thanks again all!
  • I read in one if my books to try lemon when you feel nauseous. I haven't tried it yet. But thought I'd pass it on. :)
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