i had bad acne with my first...but wasn't too worried cuz I was preg throughout the whole fall and winter so I was covered up with warm cloths. but with this second preg I got lucky!! im so clear...never had a clear and glowing face before! and it ganna b summer yay so im not too worried. great luck to u sweetie...wish I could help.
Yeah I feel gross lol my mom looked at me yesterday and says wow your really breaking out but you never did before... really mom thanks for pointing it out! Lol. I am using nuetragena body scrub it seems to be helping my back some.
Ya the nuetrogena body scrub worked for me a little bit too. But that's really all I have found. My Dr said anything over the counter.. so Idk if proactive is ok or not? I'd call to check first just to be safe!
Hey prego.mammaz I posted this on another thread but I wanted to tell yall I have a.one on one with my dermotologist and she said to.try tsal shamppo as a face and body wash its safe for baby and it worked.miracles for.me its made by nutrogena (sp) amd I swear by it now even worked on my 13 year old step son
Continue to wash yo face twice a day, n it should clear up on its own further in the pregnancy. I also use body wash on my face it helped a lot. I hope I helped
I used clearsil . it helped alot . then I ran out and hello acne all over my face . its not bad and not very noticeable but I no its there but its irriating .
And I'm suffering with You. I'm.disgusting. I look like I have chicken poxs on my neck chest and back. NOT CUTE!