1st doctor appointment questions

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
I will be 10 weeks and a day when I go to my first doctors appointment for the baby. I am exactly 9 weeks today and I was just curious of what I can expect with this doctor appoinment. Will I get an ultrasound and hear the babies heartbeat or just a pelvic exam and such? I have a 7 year old son and its been too long to remember...what did you gals or guys experience?


  • Every doctors office is different ..but for mine..
    I didnt have paper work cus I filled it out online..but you'll have paper work
    I did a pap smear
    Urine sample
    I did hear the heart beat..it was vaginal ultrasound,then later w/the dobbler
    and they take some blood..I can't remember if there's anything else..
    congratulations :)
  • only thing I did was paperwork, bloodwork. tried to hear the heartbeat but couldn't. the wk after i had my sono good luck congrats
  • When I went for my test they gave me paperwork and already started on that...they also gave me some to take home. I'm really hoping to hear and see the baby but trying not to get worked up and excited lol and thanks for the congratz! And responding!
  • Paper work, pap smear, ultrasound, blood work, and they gave me prenatal vitamins.
  • I already got my prenatals when I got a positive test does this mean I have a good chance of an ultra sound?
  • I just had my first appointment last week and I did paper work, pap, the doctor asked me and my husband a ton of questions, and then I had urine and blood test done and then he gave me a number to call and a few days later I got my first US and got to see the heart beat but to early to hear it! It's still amazing to be able to see it. I started crying as soon as she showed it too me. Good luck and Congrats!
  • My first visit was nurse educator
    she took blood and urine
    Asked tons of questions
    Then same wk seen doc and she did pap smear
    and we talked
    then planned ultrasound for the next wk
    lol long process for me
  • I got a u/s at my first appointment, along with the paper work, urine, pap and they the one hour glucose test. Even though I was so happy to see my lil one and make sure every thing was ok but it took 4 1/2 hours and I was ready to go home
  • I want an ultrasound so bad! First appointment isn't until next Monday. :-W
  • My first one was@ 10wks. My dr did an ultra sound, we heard the heartbeat, she did a pap and paper work. She takes to us about what to expect and have us a book.
  • If your 10 weeks my guess is you will be getting an ultrasound and you will be able to hear the little ones heart beat. Good luck
  • I got an ultrasound when I went to confirm my pregnancy @ 5w. I consider myself as one of the lucky ones. I got to see my lil bean sprout early.
  • @blueberrysmom - that's when my appointment is too...I'm so anxious! You'll have to let me know how yours went!

    and thanks everyone for the advice and the congrats, now I can sorta know what's going to happen. Just to let ya know if I do get an ultrasound...I'll be here to tell ya!
  • Yeah. This is my first and I'm a bundle of nerves. Can't wait for the first appointment and for an ultrasound to see our little Blueberry. I'll check in to see how yours went too! :-D
  • I went at 7 weeks. I had a pap, Urine test and blood work no ultrasound.
  • I went at 8wks. I had pap smear blood work ultrasound listened to heart and got weight and blood pressure. Also make a list of questions about anything.. thats what i did..
  • Im on baby #4 and have only been given 1 us at 20w with all 3!!! Thought that was the norm!! I hope i get more this prenancy!
  • Ill b 10wks1dy tomorrow 3rd doc visit the first 8wks u/s blood work paperwork urine
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