can someone ease my mind

My wife made 8wks today we had 2 miscarriages in the past 2yrs where there was just a egg and yoke as the Dr. Explained this time at 6wks we had a ultrasound and there was a heartbeat for the 1st time but for the week
or 2 she hasn't felt any morning sickness or anything I know its early but is this normal our next appointment is nor for another week and I need peace of mind


  • It's normal. With my first complete pregnancy I was feelin nothin! No symptoms at all the whole time.
  • But she had morning sickness for awhile and now nothing
  • I'm sorry sweetie, I can't help, morning sickness just comes & goes or it did for me, I didn't know I was pregnant with my daughter until I was 3 months pregnant so just have hope is she bleeding or having any other symptoms of a miscarriage like her last ones? Have her speak to her Dr about taking a baby aspirin I'm high risk because of a placenta insufficiency I have to take one everyday I wish you both the best, (sending you two prayers)
  • Sounds like my history. I had two miscarriages and am now 35 weeks along. I didn't have any morning sickness this time and all of my other pregnancy symptoms just vanished around week 10. It scared the heck out of me, but everything is fine so far.

    Good luck, and don't forget that you can call your OB anytime you're really worried about something. No need to be stressed when you don't have to.
  • Thank you and no she has not bleed from what she tells me and she has had stomach pain but we think its the prenatal vitamins
  • Again thank you guys and I will have her call him today
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