6 weeks pregnant!!! First child

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Hi everyone. Went to my first doctors appt. Yesterday,I'm 6 weeks pregnant,with my first child,and I'm 20 years old. Any tips you have I would appreciate..I'm very nervous...need all the help I can get :) Thank you in advance.


  • I'm 7 weeks pregnant with my first and 22 years old. Its been so exciting so far minus the sickness lol. My first appointment isnt until the 17th. Nervous but excited (: can't wait to see the ultra sound (:
  • Me too.I go back Feb.14,for my first ultrasound,what a Valentines Day :) Have you figured out exactly when you concieved?
  • I'm 19 n 7 week to first child Im so happy I can't wait to find the sex of the baby...
  • edited February 2011
    I'm 20 and 5 weeks pregnant with my first child! Me and the husband are wayyyyy too excited lol
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