still searching...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
For a job:( I've literally applied at 11 different places. I've even drove the 45 min to a staffing agency and they're having a hard time as well. Idk what to do and I'm certainly stressing about it, because I have bills...does anyone know if you can file for unemployment while prego cuz let's face it, not many places will hire a pregnant women...I didn't want to resort to this, and will hold off for as long as I can but I can't live with bills hoovering over me anymore. Any suggestions?


  • My suggestion is if your not showing. Do not tell them your pregnant. When you get hired let them know because like you said no place will hire pregnant girls, but if you tell them couple days after your hired and have started to work that your pregnant they can't fire you.
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  • Ok thanks @richjen24 I'm going to try all of them because honestly I'm at my breaking point and can't handle an oz more of stress:( I've cried the past few days because all I can think bout is bills...
  • @AmandaxJune I'm not showing enough, it could be mistaken as fat but in order to even tell them id have to have an interview and I'm not even getting that! The job demand is just so high and actual jobs is so low in this area...
  • Believe me hun I know. I got laid off on january 1st and I haven't found a job yet, but I have my boyfrriend and my mom helping me out thankfully. I'm sorry
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  • Ugh that's so frustrating! Did you get a note from your doctor reguarding inability to work? And for temp disabilty I thought you had to have a job in order to get disability? And what does this note exactly have to say?
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