D-Day tomorrow....dont have a good feeling about it

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
Goin back tomorrow for another ultrasound to see if the baby has grown n if they can find a heartbeat. I have been spotting since Wed nite but doc says if no cramps don't worry. But I don't have a good feeling at all about it


  • Try and stay positive sweetie, don't give up hope! Im praying for you and your baby!!! I know its scary and hard as I went through a missed m/c last year, but try not to worry hun!! Lots of sticky baby dust headed your way! Keep me updated!
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses Thank u so much I really appreciate it. Its my first pregnancy n I'm only 8w4d but I can't shake this bad feeling no matter what I do
  • No problem hun!! If you ever need to talk, im always here as well as everyone else on here hun. I felt that way with my current pregnancy as well but everything turned out to be perfect and im 31 weeks tomorrow. :)
  • I bled for a week and a half.. no cramping, and baby is just fine! It was hemorrhage under the placenta. :) which goes away on its own. But its still scary I know.. good luck!
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses
    baby hasn't grown since last week....gonna have a dnc later this week. Thanks for all the help tho!
  • Im so sorry hun :( I've went through the same thing last may, don't give up hope. If you have any questions or need to talk hun im always here!
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses
    I appreciate it more than u will ever know! They scheduled it for tomorrow at 11. How long after b4 u can start trying again?
  • My doctor suggested 2 cycles. My cycles were about 6 weeks apart after my d&c. As soon as the ended, we decided to try again and 6 weeks later, in the first month trying I got my BFP! My doctor gave me multiple early ultrasounds making sure everything was looking perfect and im now 31 weeks today. I will tell you that when you get pregnant again, it will be very scary! You will worry about every little thing. Don't ever be afraid to call the doctor to get a peace of mind afterwards.
  • @MommyOfTwoPrincesses Haha I wont....think I'm gonna go to different doctors next time. Every time I had a concern this time they just shrugged it off. May just have been me but the rubbed me wrong. Congrats! Hearing ur story def gives me hope!
  • I agree you should change doctors. You need one that will be there for you and take your concerns seriously! And thank you, like I said never give up hope hun! :)
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