bleeding after sex? anyone

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I'm 5weeks 4d last night o had sex and when we finish they was the blood I went to pee and some blood come out not too much I'm been on bedrest since last night when I stand up to pee and nothing come out and when I wipe the last times nothing neither ... girls help someone been thru this without mc


  • edited April 2011
    YUp, every time! I did with my last pregnancy too. Apparently normal, theres so much extra blood going down there it happens. If it lasts more than 24 hours than its a worry
  • I'm 35 weeks now with my second baby....I never had bleeding after sex with my fist, but with this. One, I did like the first and second trimesters....sometimes it was a lot of blood, other times it was very little. If it last for more than a day, I would start to worry. I always felt better when I felt my baby moving afterward.
  • @snreda & @CAMOMOMMY2 thanks girls I'm so afraid of mc hope everything gets better
  • I had that happen in my first and now third trimester when I was about 31 weeks. Its completely normal. But if its fill a pad I heard you should go to the ER.
  • You should always ask your doctor. My sister bleed, resulting in a miscarriage. Ask a doctor to make sure
  • I had that in my first trimester and was told not to have sex until at least second trimester because my cervix was softer than normal. Then my doc gave me a flush cream that gets rid of all things that could also might be the cause. If I were u I'd talk to ur doctor. Because I gave my self time to get better I don't have that problem anymore. Good luck with everything!
  • @mommy_of_3 thanks
    @maymommy11 the I don't even get nothing on my pad it wast just when I wipe of and for now its looking like it went away ...
  • Ya. Just sayin thats when you should worry.....nvm.
  • I had bleeding once..the Dr told me it was normal..I was cursing my bf out I thought I had a miscarriage lol & wen u have sex it can rupture the cervix to make it bleed cause its sensitive..make sure yall go slow or not rough
  • @maymommy11 I was trying to describe you what was going on thank god I'm feeling better thanks
  • @less525 I did the same I almost kill him X( poor guy
  • ohhh how my dr put it after I told her I bled after sex is that "your free to have sex"lol so it must be pretty.common. But id ask ur dr still.
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