@newmommy_navywife i even make hamburger helper home made still easy and tastes 100% better:) my ex refused to eat it out the box so I got creative LOL
@newmommy_navywife LOL your lucky my ex and fiance are picky about food. I never hear the end if I take the easy way out ... my kids are even spoiled at this point!
@ghettobetty Hahahahah....oh lord! Your family couldn't survive at my house. I use to cook with natural ingredients and homemade stuff this pregnancy has just turned me into a lazy house wife. LOL
@newmommy_navywife lmao if I try to make stuff out a box often the refuse to eat. My fiance will cook something else or order out if I do it... not allowed to be lazy. When I am though and they complain I say STARVE!LOL
@newmommy_navywife my fiance has been great actually eating out a lit cause I been so sick. This pregnancy is nothing like the other 2 I also had a bleeding scare with this one along with switching doctors hospitals and genetic scares. I'm like OMG why this one!? My last one! I just want things to go smooth like my first two. Good luck! Hope everything keeps looking up for you and baby