when did you first feel the baby move?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
Im 20weeks today with my first wich is a boy :) and im only feeling him about every other day. When I had my ultrasound he was VERY active! Im just not feeling that much yet. I was just wondering when eveyone else started feeling it often


  • I first felt my baby around thirteen weeks which amazed me for the last week and a half he or she has been moving like crazy and sunday felt it move from the outside of my tummy im eighteen weeks but think I might be farther along as I have started leaking colostrum
  • you may not be feeling the movement if you have alot of amniotic fluid .. Had the same issue with my second pregnancy
  • I felt my little peanut move in my 14th week.. its pretty wild. If your little one isn't moving as much definitely tell your doctor.
  • Im 34 weeks and my baby moves all day long.it sucks when u try 2 go 2 sleep and it wont stop moving it keeps me up. But I starting feeling movement at 20 weeks and the farther along u get the better u feel and see the movement.
  • some times my baby pushes up til it hurts and I have my bf rub my stomache 2 get it 2 move
  • Thanks ladys! I started feeling movement at 16 weeks and I definitely feel him im just getting anxious to get to the point when I feel.him very often my doctor told me usualy after 20weeks and im 20weeks today so hopefully it'll start soon!
  • I felt my baby move at five months so I'm expecting da same w/ diz pregnancy
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