Soo itchy!!

edited April 2011 in First Trimester
Anybody else feel reaalllly itchy?! My tattoo shoulders belly nd back drive me insane!! They still itch real bad even after iput lotion on..



  • edited April 2011
    Yeah, I get that. I do benadryl and aveeno skin relief lotion with oat essence or eucerna (I think that's what its called) calming lotion, for exzema (spell) relief, but no fragrances and soothing oat. Hope this helps! :)
  • Me too.. All mi old tattoos were itcginn bad mi first trimester mostly n sometimes stil.. Don't scratch the belly tho!! Stretch marks :(
  • Ijust rub my belly nd scratch everything else
  • That's good me too :)) jus lotion it uppp n suck it uppp! Lol part of the beautiful miracle
  • Lol yea i was soo itchy my first trimester.. it got loads better. Lather yourself in baby oil lotion... at least thats what i did..
  • oh and try nott to scratch. everyobe at work said it causes stretch marks. just to be safe dobt scratch lol
  • Ijust rub my belly nd scratch everything else
  • I have a tattoo on my lower back :-S and for some reason that's the only thing that itches but nothing helps lotion vaseline oils nothing I just suffer until it decides to stop I heard that calamine lotion helps (like for poison ivy) I haven't tried it yet
  • Use Aquafour on your tattoos!! It's amazing!!!!!!!!
  • my back gets itchy sometimes it kills
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