super bad gas

edited April 2011 in November 2011
I am always super glassy at night. Other than popping tums like candy, any of you ladies past the first trimester know something to do to help?


  • edited April 2011
    I had to sequester myself due to truly offensive gas tonight. You can only blame but so much on a small dog. Poor pup!
  • Ugh so am I! Lol my husband is like really?? Try gas-x my doc said it was safe.
  • Hmm I will definitely have to try that. My fiance is complaining so bad saying something crawled inside me and died! Lol
  • Omg my hubby said the same thing! Haha its hilarious but I say it's not me its the baby!
  • I know I just feel like I'm about to explode tonight!
  • I'm actually enjoying seeing my bd suffer! Lol its so funny waiting for his reaction once he's smelled it gives me such a giggle. I was doing it all lastnight and nearly peed myself laughing lol I must just be mean
  • Oh ya gas is bad at night lol
  • I am really gassy all the time, but I got lucky! It never stinks!
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