Washing your hair after having baby?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Is it true that you shouldnt wash your hair after having a baby because of your open pores and the fact you just had a baby so your body is weak and your more prone to getting sick easily?


  • I've never heard that... I wash my hair every day, even while I was in the hospital after I had my daughter and I didn't get sick.
  • yess my mom and family really beilives in that yuh shouldnt wash ya hair until 40 days after givin birth so they really gnna make me wait and im due aug 15 so is gnna be hot so im not sure if ima wait 40 days =/
  • After I had my daughter I waited till people stopped coming to visit and I could feel my leggs an I took a shower,, felt good I was able to relax alot better...an my nurse said that it was ok as long as if I felt dizzy or anythingto ask for help cus she had to wait by the door outside
  • 40days to wash ur hair oh hell no I would of broke that rule, cus ur all sweaty from pushing and stuff gross
  • yes thats what im saying ! idk juss what my family beilives ! my mom like start washing ya hair alot lol idk if i could make it 40days lol thats a lil tomuch as im due aug15 is gnna be hot and cranky lol
  • @soonamommy yea thats how my mom is I can take a shower but just cant wash my hair for a couple of weeks
  • @soniamarie88 yea mines too and my grandma she not playing lol
  • lol when yuh are duee ?
  • Another old wives tale.... this one I've never heard! I wash my hair in the hospital shampoo and conditioner is something I pack in my bag :) have never had a problem....
  • With both kids I was able to shower and I washed my hair before I even left the hospital
  • @soonamommy april 17 I still dont have my hospital bag packed all the way lol
  • I had heard that before.... with my 4yr old son, I washed my hair in the hospital... and when I came out and put the towel on my head, you know how you bend forward to do it, when I lifted my head... I fainted! Thank God my husband had walked in to check on me a few seconds before. He caught me, otherwise I would have cracked my head open!
  • I'm washing my hair the day I have the baby. My mom did.. I can't stand having greasy hair!!
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  • Ew, I'd seriously shave my head if people weren't gonna let me wash my hair for over a month. I'm thinking of going super short anyway. My hair looks like a rat's nest :P
  • That's the craziest thing I've heard so far....so I'm supposed to poop in public and then go around with a greasy head for more than a month??? Hmmm....I'm thinking NO!
  • @soonamommy I use everything I need to pack lol so I might need to pack the day of.... I have some stuff for me and all of babies things n there
  • If I can't wash before I go home I'm stopping at work on my way homw and having my aunt wash it for me. The percs of working with family in a hair salon
  • @cynthiay oh wow thats crazy glad that u didnt
  • @camommy aww man your so lucky
  • I don't know if that's scientifically true or not but in my family we can't shower for a whole month! We cant even step one foot out of the house because we can get sick. When I leave the hospital I need to have a hoodie on even in the dead middle of the Florida summer. Yes, I did break all the rules. Haha. I would have to sneak showers but I wasn't ever sick after my first born.
  • edited April 2011
    My grandmother told me that when your on your period or you have a baby you should not let your feet or your head get wet and you can't go out the house until you stop your period because your pores are open. I'm from they country and they have many saying. Crazy!
  • Gosh im so lazy to wash my hair plus my hair is long not all the way but its down to my knees and its hard to wash it everyday. I don't know if I can wash it after the baby is born. But I don't think its bad to wash it after u have the baby.
  • I took a shower a few hours after I had my last daughter. Never heard of this crazy! I have brown hair so if its not washed within 2 days of eachother, it looks disgusting!
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