idk if is the belly but i just love other prego girls belly !

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
i dont noe if is cus im prego but i love lil belly and seeing girls pregent i juss think iss soo cute idk why :/


  • Because it's adorable!!
  • I thought so before I was preg those bellys are sexy I can't wait to get mine
  • yes is juss sooo cuteee i juss wanna go up 2 every girl and ask the how many weeks they are and wat they haviing =] ! how many weeks are yuh @mschop
  • awww i cant wait to wear mines since ima be prego like half the summer !
  • I love it and im jealous of the cuties that can wear bikinis.....
  • @Soonamommy I'm 11 weeks today, how far are you? I want tell them the look good with that belly but I'm so worried I will go up to someone whose not preg and hurt there feelings so I just keep my thoughts to myself lol
  • @mschop lolll im 21weeks and 1day im half way thereee =] and mee to i juss wanna noe everything lolll
  • I'm only 1/4 the way there it seem like Oct is so far away
  • it would go by fast just enjoy your belly! =]
  • I love other prego bellys but mine, o love my son just not being prego ,,, I cant really do anything.i just want him here,, im 27 weeks tomorrow im huge, and its really heavy cus he is so low,,
  • i feel huge too =/ is not a great feling and i get really tiired fast and out of breath =/
  • Right I think its adorable
  • yes is ADORABLE
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