I jst felt my baby move! I'm so happy and emotional! I'm literally crying on the phone with my bf cause I felt my little chubbs move really strong ) this is my first and I'm 16 its the best
if youre 4 months thats not to soon! some people feel thier baby at 3(: some claim sooner. just depends on your body type. congrats on feeling the little one!
@mommyforever I've felt tiny flutters before but never to the point where its so strong that I could feel it from the outside and I felt it strong this time. I was like "BABE! BABY CHUBBS IS MOVING SO STRONG I COULD FEEL IT FROM THE OUTSIDE I'M CRYING!" Haha @preggointx thank you! It really is! )
hopefully time goes by super fast! and iv actually been feeling great! random trip to the tiolet to puke somtimes but very rare, and a little emotional. but other wise great(: tryin to get to the "danger free zone" second tri
@preggointx thank you! It really is! )