my BD left me because i want to keep the baby

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I found out I was pregnant in late feb. When I told him he said we would talk about it and he basically decied that he wanted to get a abortion... I didn't. I have had one in the past and I just can't do it again... we kept going back and forth each week with something different one week he wouldn't bring it up and the next it was a huge deal... he says he isn't ready for more kids... (he has two by two differnt girls) but anyways last night he had called me and actually we talked like adults for once...he said he loved me and wanted to be with me but I wasn't doing what he wanted so basically he told me he doesn't wanna F*** with me if I keep the baby....I really knew we weren't going to be together but he said it in the meanest way possible....then basically said call me when u have the baby.... now I feel that he dosent even deserve to be in my childs life... and now me and my ex are gettin back togther (he is where my heart is) and he fully accepts the fact that I am pregnant and even said he wants to name the baby....I swear I hope my baby doesn't look anything like my BD that way I don't have to be reminded of him and on top of that he's


  • Aww that sucks i bet your baby will be pretty...ugly people sometimes make the cutest babies :) im glad you have someone that accepts your baby and wants to be there for you thats wonderful! :)
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  • Soooo sad he will come aroumd trust bc he is goinh to be jealous of the ex blah blah blah men men men cant live with cant live without em
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  • Girl stick with the ex the one that has your hurt. He sounds like a really good guy and he wants to be the dad let him! That's awesome he even wants to help name the baby! And no matter who the baby looks like it will be beautiful! Best if luck to you!
  • I hope things will work out he is like the king of ass holes but if he don't come around that's his loss.... and I kno my ex will be a better father figure to my child that he could ever be
  • @babymaxisontheway thanks and I don't kno why I ever left his ass in the fist place and started messin with the bd but oh well things happen for a reason
  • Yw and yes things do happen for a reason. When are you due?
  • Sorry that you had to go through that but its good that your not 1 of those woman who think that you have to put up with that crap! He should be made nevr to have anymore kids.
  • @babymaxisontheway nov 4. And @serenitysmommy u r so right someone should chop his d*** seriously. @ta2edblondie thanks
  • edited April 2011
    lOl @Ugly BD!

    But on another note believe it or not, I'm going through the exact same thing, from him wanting you to abort, to him having another kid, to your ex being very supportive. All I can say is time, God, &nd a good support group/fam heals all. Don't worry about him ..Only thing you should worry about right now is yourself, your unborn child, & making sure he or she is healthy. I'm doing the same as of now. Just thought I'd let you know you're not alone & it does get better.

    Good LUCK with your pregnancy Mommie! ;)
  • Well congrats on your baby! May 15 and soo ready lol is thia your first?
  • @singlesexy1sttimemom thank u for that... I kno that's why I have just been talking to my friends and they are a big help just knowing that they are there to support me in my decision helps a great deal
  • @babymaxisontheway. Congrats I bet u are and yes this is my first and i am actually pretty excieted despite the situation I am in
  • That's good just keep your head up! Its my first too I was scared out of my mind at first and didn't want to be pregnant but now I wouldn't change it for anything! My hubs was excited but I didn't really want kids at first lol
  • @babymaxisontheway well I am sure u will be a great mommy and the best of luck to u
  • Hmmm, I agree with the other ladies. Tell BD to f**k off and be happy with your soon-to-not-be-ex-anymore. My MIL did it with my hubby.
  • Aww ty im just so clueless when it comes to babies not kids but babies lol
  • @eaustin1111 i wasnt calling you ugly, i was talking about your BD since you said he was ugly :)
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