
edited April 2011 in First Trimester
Ugh I'm not throwing up but have been sick at my stomach for two days now and its getting down right annoying. I think I would rather throw up and have a chance of feeling better then feeling sick all day long. Sorry had to vent I'm home alone and it just sucks


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  • My only problem is when I did get sick about a week ago I felt better afterwards this sick feeling lasts all day and I'm having to force myself to eat cause of it. I dunno guess it does sound weird I'm just ready to feel normal again
  • I'm right there with you. I called outta work one night pretending to have morning sickness and I've been down right sick for the past week since then (guess I jinxed myself). If I see another saltine cracker I'm going to scream.
  • Im the same way n the dr suggested these things called b-natal pop they are suckers that have b-6 n other vitamins in them to help with morning sickness they are sold at babies r us, they also have ones called preggie pops n they are cheaper n work better if u ask me. They r the best things ever invented :) try them im sure they will help!
  • I would rather just have nausea lol I'm 18 weeks and i still have morning sickness!! :( I'm on anti nausea pills cuz of it and if i miss even one I'm hugging the toilet all day :( its horrible! I hope yours clears up soon! Sucking on lemons helped me for a while so maybe try that :) just make sure to take care of your teeth cuz of all the acid lol
  • I am suffering from the all day sickness as well. Doc called in zofran for me but it's not working then yesterday she told me to double up...still not working. Im missing work because of it and will probably lose my job...
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