depressed or moody?

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Any mamas out there feeling depressed OR moody for things that don't normally bug you? With my past three pregnancies I went through a lot of drama before, during and after pregnancy. With this pregnancy I find myself more irritable and more towards my husband. Seems as if everything he says OR does irritates me. I don't have suicidal thoughts OR anything but I OFTEN think of divorce as an option...drastic I know....


  • LOL...I can be fine with mine one minute and then he looks at me wrong and I bite his head off! Its crazy! He's the main one I'm like this with. This is number 4 for us also.
  • What makes it harder is he wont give me the time of day to jus listen...this morning was nice as we got ready for our morning routine, talked to him once and was ok for the most part, but now I HATE him! Lol and I have no clue why....
  • I think Im more depressed and insecure than moody. My husband is deployed in Afghanistan. We've been together for 4 years. I found out I was pregnant in January, we got married in February and he left at the end of February...Before he left we rarely saw each other because they were training for the deployment and now he's gone for an entire year. We're really not sure if they're gonna let him come home for the birth of the baby so that's very upsetting. I dont have any family here so I really have no support....My friends look at me like I'm crazy when I try to expain how I feel so really I have no one to talk to!!!! I just feel like I'm alone.I guess the insecure feelings are probably coming from the pregnancy since this hasnt been an issue before. :-|
  • @armywife3: I hear ya and having no family around must make it even harder. Ive come to realize that its prob bcz I went through Hell with my other 3 pregnancies, and this one is goin good for the most part, its like im more afraid of goin through it again...I guess more of a trust issue and my mood jus takes control of it
  • @MamaT yeah this is my third baby, his fourth, but its our 1st together and I have no idea y I'm having the same trust issues....I mean he's never given me a reason to not trust him....Its kind of cheating me out of my pregnancy....I constantly go through the "what if's"...I finally told him the other day in a letter and he reassured me that everything would be fine and asked me to stop stressing for the sake of the baby...It made me happy, but later I started feeling the same way....I feel like I'm battling myself....weird I know!!! :-?

    @Supermommy....definately understand the emotional issues you're having...I think I'm goin through the same thing....I was watching Coming Home last night and cried through the whole daughter was looking like are you serious?!!!! lol...It'll get better though :)
  • @supermommy: IM an emotional wreck IM smiling one moment and the next IM crying and then I start yelling and cursing! This sucks

    @armywife3: I understand. My situatuon is I actually have reasons not to trust him but its almost like im not giving him a chance to PROVE he's changed. I guess its more that IM afraid to go through the BS again but at the same time my emotional roller coaster isn't helping lol....
  • Army wife 3...I'm not in ur exact situation but my husband is getting sent off to basic in may and is going to miss almost all of our pregnancy...I'm not real sure how its going to effect us when the time comes. I'm here for ya girl, were about in the same boat together.
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