I have my five months u/s next wednesday and all I can think about is wat if??? Google has F%@$%# my mind. Excuse,my language. Im just so terrified :::
I know what you mean. My Dr said for me to stop looking up things on Google that most wasn't professionals ... just ppl scaring ppl. I was so scared. I haven't looked something up on there in a long time. BUT... my baby hasn't moved much at 22 wks 4 days, Google it and late m/c's came up. Omg I'm about to call my Dr to see If I should go to the ER. Stupid Google!!! I read books and download all free preg apps lol good luck!!!
I had to ban myself off the internet and every forum but this one! And im only 8w 4d! The best advice I can say is just keep thinking costive things, im healthy, baby is healthy, ETC. Def, talking to baby helps. Watching funny movies, and good music. Don't let it consume you