thank goodness for due date club

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
I will be 10 weeks tommorow my due date is nov 2 I haven't told anyone yet because its my first one and we get married in june and I don't want the wedding to be about the baby :( .I've been feling really sic and could only ventwith my fiance who doesn't understand at all at times I think he believes I'm faking it ughhh and it drives me insane . Is anyone else waking u0p nausea stomach pains feeling like ur hungr but can't eat trying to use the bathroom but just can't go? I'm. Getting sooo stressed please tell me I'm not alone


  • I'm 9wks but i'm having a c-section in early nov So i'm with you on the due date. My name is Jen, I'm 27 with an almost 4yr old son, Praying for a girl. I have bad morning sickness with this one. YOUR NOT ALONE.
  • Welcome to ur first pregnancy! Sounds exactly like my first one. I thought I had the flu for 2months.
  • Not alone at all. I hate eating now (and trust me I love food). I feel sick afterward, if I burp I practically throw up in my mouth tmi. Nauseas alllll damn day lol and I keep asking my husband if I have the fever cause I feel like I have the flu, body aches/sores and all (and I don't!, he thinks im crazy lol)
  • @2011baby Here are some ideas to try.
    Saltine Crackers and Lemon water(squeeze lemon juice into water)
    Dry Toast
    Canada Dry or Vernors
    Arizona green Tea.
  • You aren't alone hun, I never had those problems but there are plenty of women that go through it. When are you getting married hun? By the time your wedding comes around you will know the sex of baby! Lol you wont be able to hide it much longer after that. Good luck and congrats on your pregnancy hun! :)
  • Omg u guys are great!!! My wedding is june 4th I hope I can hide the bump. When will I know the sex? I thought u find that out late like 5 and a 1/2 months. @booshybaby I know I love 2 eat but now the thought of food makes my stomach turn @hnjen thanks I will try some of ur remedies. Will this pass or wil I feel like this for the rest of my pregnancy?@ charlotteb thanks girl but I hope this is just for the 1st trimester cuz if its not this will be my last baby I don't think I can handle anymore. I kind of feel disabled
  • I am due Nov 2nd too...but will have a scheduled c-section in late Oct. This is my 4th and the only one one I experienced mor
    ning sickness with. Will be 10 weeks tomorrow and the Ms is starting to ease up. will pass, and as soon as you hold your new baby you will forget all about everything you went through while pregnant!
    Congratulations on your wedding!
  • Omg u guys are great!!! My wedding is june 4th I hope I can hide the bump. When will I know the sex? I thought u find that out late like 5 and a 1/2 months. @booshybaby I know I love 2 eat but now the thought of food makes my stomach turn @hnjen thanks I will try some of ur remedies. Will this pass or wil I feel like this for the rest of my pregnancy?@ charlotteb thanks girl but I hope this is just for the 1st trimester cuz if its not this will be my last baby I don't think I can handle anymore. I kind of feel disabled
  • By 2nd trimester it should pass. You might be able to ask yr doctor for anti naseua meds. I had it with my first cause i worked in fast food.
  • Good 2 know thanks
  • @2011baby I am prego with my first child as well due oct 15 and I'm maid of honor in my brothers wedding june 11th, I'm afraid ill have a bump too but I guess idk everyone already knows...I had a tonnn of questions about pregnancy and something tht helps me is a book called What to expect when your expecting...very informative check it out om they're reasonably priced!
  • @tandtsbb thanks I will check it out
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