I Hate Feeling So Down All The Time :(

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Ok so idk if its just me, but I feel like an emotional wreck. My mother and sister said I'm acting like I'm going through menopause lol. But I feel so down and out all the time. I'm only seven weeks and I'm truly excited about the baby but dxmn I can't help but feel sick and depressed throughout the day. Is there anybody else with the same problem or can anybody offer some cheer up tips or anything? I used to be the life of the party and nobody wants to be around me hardly anymore. Will this go away?


  • I have felt this way.since about 7 wks also, i am now 15 wks and.still feel like that....it sucks! I dont.really wanna be around people & feel way better when im at home just with my husband..
  • I don't even hardly like being around my boyfriend and I think he feels the same he used to be here all the time and now he makes excuses to not see me. We are going out tonight and I'm dreading it to be honest. This really sucks rite now..
  • I know it! My husband loves to go to the movies, dinner dates.and.to visit our families but I am just so not into it right now just barely making it thru work & school...he gets upset.and.down when I dont wanna.go. Only if they knew!
  • Lol I'm an emotional wreck too. I can cry at the drop of a dime it feels like. An when I work its wrose...
  • I don't feel the same way, but I can tell you it's only temporary. You will have ups and downs. Most likely (hopefully) once you get into your second trimester and the crappy 1st trimester symptoms subside you should start feeling better. Hormones are crazy!! Good luck to you!
  • It does suck yaya..if they knew how we felt at times it would change everything..and at work I hate it especially since I work with people all day its horrible. Moodswings are giving everybody I kno whiplash lol. And I hope your right fitmama because this is ridiculous..my aunt suggested antidepressants..but I was never diagnosed with depression. Would they hurt the baby?
  • Yea I work with 95% men! And annoying customers! But im still.trying to stay positive...
  • Smh..we can stay positive together :) ..atleast try
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