People honestly need to get lives...

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
Apparently I have a stalker on here who constantly tries to start drama with me for no reason. Creepy, considering the fact that almost no one on here knows eachother in person, knows what eachother looks like, whre you live, what your name is, etc. If you have the time to sit on this stupid forum all day and cause drama with people whom you have never and will never meet in person or ever even know what they look like or what their name is, you need to get a job...a life..etc. If your "feelings get hurt" from someone on have problems. I could care less what people say to me on here and what I say to other people because I don't know anyone in person and am never gonna meet anyone in person.


  • I was thinking about getting a life but apparently.people don't sell them to you when you're pregnant... Walmart had a sale and I waited all night for the release andwhen I finally got to the front bam sign said its too dangerous for pregnant ladies.
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  • I agree. Why is it people still don't grow up even when they are parents
  • Wow like I said earlier ladies grow up for real that's all I got to say
  • @proudmomma agreed. i grew up the moment i found out i'm pregnant. i'm 19 years old and more mature than a lot of people who i know that are even older than me. i don't sit on this forum all day trying to start things with people, i check discussions like once or twice a day and if i see one that relates to me i comment on it then sign off. and once in a while i post a discussion when i need help with something.
  • @proudmomma I think the reason somedont is because giving up childhoodis a hard thing... it means you're getting old... however acting like you're in high school is a different story... giving up youthfulness causes u to age worse... wrinkles and all that good stuff...
  • Exactly. I can't stand the know it all's either. Some people tell others to wait things out when what the person is going through could end up a miscarriage! Its nice relating to others but when people just judge you its not cool.
  • I say who cares if people judge you? Lol. They're no doctor and they don't even know who you are.
  • Im almost 28 and it seems like I get along with majority of the young moms. For one I had my first baby when I was 16. It makes me sick that some look down their noses at teen mom's but heck I was a way better mom at 16 then most I know now.

    People need to relax cause being preggo is stressful enough and arguing is stress not needed on the baby but these are the people that get angry at others for things like inducing labor ect. Ugh lol sorry I have been holding back a lot
  • I started just texting others so I can advoid all the drama.
  • Unfortunately, this sort of discussion ultimately leads to more of the drama you are addressing in your thread. If there is any issues with comments, members or you have any concerns/questions; contact a support member. However, creating threads like these are out of line. I would hate to see an argument ensue over this. Again, please let any one of us know if there is any problems; just please don't continue with it by posting things like this. Thank you.

    Mrs Del Rae, Pregly Support Team
  • Lol yeah I used to be someone who looked down on people who got pregnant at young ages but now i'm one of those people and I really can't do anything about it. All I know it I will never again in my life say "thats not gonna happen to me"
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  • @mama0811 haha i think the same exact thing. i know a girl who is 8 months pregnant, still smoking weed and cigarettes and going to parties. i don't consider myself a "teen mom" because i'm 19 and will be almost 20 by the time my baby is born, but i am of course a young mom and the moment i found out i was pregnant i knew i wouldn't be partying anymore. of course when i turn 21 i will probably go out every once in a while maybe once a month or so but not like every weekend like a lot of people i know who are my age with kids do.
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  • l @jalem thought that was hilarious..
    @mrsdelrae I have brought up some issues to fingerscrossed and mamakat and no response. But I have noticed racism and name calling and I have heard that those things will not be tolerated.. some ppl really look to this app for advice and socialism.. and jus knowing that somethings are looked past is really disheartening. Yes, it shouldn't matter what some ppl say to u oin here but keep those opinions(the racist ones) to urself.. jus because ppl are pregnant or young doesn't give us the excuse to act like B's.. we have feelings and they will gethurt if u say the right thing. Unfortunatle I have faced a lot of racism and hardships since being pregnant and I know that immature ppl are everywhere but with a little help from our lovely moderators we can all get along.. we shouldn't need to bring our drama into these discussions. These discussions r for real problems.. if u have an issue with someone, and u keep pointing fingers and throwing around racial and rude names than ur not going to grow. We shud all learn something and know that everything we say and do has an effect on someone. Even if we dnt know them directly. We are all human and most of us are pregnant. We shud be coming together not "segragating" and judging eachother..
  • @newmommyofone I agree with you. While I don't know about any of the concerns you have messaged the other moderators with; I hope you know regardless, none of us are ignoring you. We get so many messages, tagged in conversations, etc that it is hard to catch up with all of them, plus keep an eye out for recent violations. We can't help if we aren't alerted.
    If you have any specific discussions, comments or members you have concerns about; please message me to let me know. @fingerscrossed has been having a hard time with family, @Mama_Kat has been swamped with pictures & names for profiles. Thank you!

    Mrs Del Rae, Pregly Support
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