so much controversy... (venting!)

edited April 2011 in Pregnant
in these discussions.. it seems like some people post topics that they honestly want help/advice with and people are so mean to them about it... they're asking for your advice.. not to be bullied. .and not for you guys to act like you are their parents... how is anybody supposed to get "help" or "advice" from these forums if everyone just takes stabs at the people asking for help? it makes no sense to me.. & yes, most of us ARE pregnant & hormonal, but thats NO excuse... people on welfare, people who smoke, too young to be ttc, dont have a job, dont live alone, not finished with school, being a teen mom... most of these things are something THOSE people are willing to deal with.. they ask for help on these subjects.. not to be looked down on because of them...

IM ON "WELFARE", I WAS '18' WHEN I STARTED TTC, I SMOKE & IM 18 WEEKS PREGNANT, I DONT HAVE A JOB, I DIDNT FINISH COLLEGE (& PROBABLY NEVER WILL)... but none of that matters to me, considering i have an amazing living, breathing human being growing inside me, thats gonna make all of that stuff NOT MATTER.. because of my love for my child.. thats whats important now... who cares if i need state help, or dont work.. i have the means to provide for my child, even if it IS thru the state.. atleast my child is being fed...

& besides, there are WORSE things going on around the world.. things that SHOULD be getting your attention.. like the starving families in other countries.. or the parents who ARENT doing what they need to do for their children... those things should be getting your attention, NOT these petty a** discussions of "young teens ttc"... this is BS!



  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • I agree too
  • Well said sweety
  • it makes me sick.. i was reading on a topic the other day from a girl who posted "i just overdosed" and instead of people saying like nice things, alot of people were like "are u stupid? why would u do that? go to the er"... how about "that probably wasnt the best idea, please go to the hospital so you can get some help, there are alot of people who need you here" & the discussion wasnt closed right away.. it was closed 2 days later.. after TONS of people kept saying (from the beginning) "this needs to be closed"... idk... it just seems like alot of people dont get the help they actually need or the help theyre asking for.. i think they need to limit the topics better... thats all.
  • Thank goodness!! I'm glad you posted this. It's Exactaly how I feel!!
  • Well said
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