is anyone else taking progesterone?

edited February 2011 in Pregnant
My doc said it will help me not miscarriage again :) is it just me?


  • I start taking suppositories tomorrow..I am happy bout that..cause I miscarried in Oct and am hoping to hold on to this lil peanut!
  • I am also taking the suppositories. ..I have suffered from two misscarriages in the last seven. Month
  • Im taking them orally. Theyre the 100 mg. I take one in the morning and one at night. The doc also told me to take an 81mg aspirin every day but i decided not to. Sounds to risky. Im happy too i miscarried last yr in march so its been a while already. Hope all goes well for us :)
  • I am taking 100mg of endometrin (Progesterone) Mornin& night. I concieved with ivf and have been taking this since a week before I got pregnant.
  • Its good to know im not the only one taking this. Congrats to all of you and i hope we all have a full term no complications pregnancy :) sticky babies for us :)
  • WAT is it I've heard about progesterone numbers but have no clue about it. I don't go to the Dr til I'm ten weeks and am worried? Shud I b
  • Well when my doc first told me to take these they were supposed to (with other) treatment help me regulate my period (bc ive always had irregular periods) or if in case i was already pregnant it would help my body reinforce the baby to stay there. Since i had a mc last yr of course i am taking them :) just hope it wrks. If u dont have any history of having mc before i wouldnt wry but any doubts it never hurts to ask ur doc. Good luck and congrats on ur bby
  • Thnx good luck to u too
  • "@finallypreggo" if you have a history of miscarriages, baby aspirin can actually help. Your doctor wouldn't tell you to take it if he thought it would put your pregnancy in danger.
  • @tiff87124-yes i know its just that im already taking prenatal and the progesterone and then the baby aspirin? hubby didnt let me take them till we go and see the doc in person.wich will gave to be like in two weeks bc were here in cali and were originally from tx so ill just wait till then. Thanks for the advise though. Are u takig it? Or do u know someone taking it?
  • @finallypreggo yes, I am taking a baby aspirin a day. In women who have a history of miscarriages it has proven to be helpful. If your doctor is advising you to take it its probably because he found something in your bloodwork that pointed to you needing it. Taking all 3 (the prenatal, progesterone and baby aspirin) won't hurt your pregnancy. I'm taking all 3 plus folic acid. If I were in your position i'd definitely take the baby aspirin now and not wait the 2 weeks, but that's just me.
  • I am taking 100mg of Prometrium. We suffered a miscarriage in September and thankfully are pregnant again. My doctor call it "fertilizer" and says I will only need to take it until we are in the clear around 12 weeks. I have already been to the doctor and had an ultrasound and baby is perfect size and heart is beating away.....let's keep it this way! Congrats to all of you that have suffered like my husband and I, be blessed that you have a new baby growing inside you!!! Good luck to all!
  • I am taking 200 mg daily. After my intial bloodwork my doctor said my level was at 12.
  • My doctor wants me at 20. I misscarried in December of 2009 and again in in may of 2010. My doctor is also testing me for blood clotting disorders. Both previous pregnancy I miscarried at about 6weeks and two days and I've made it to 6 weeks and 5 days. Fingers crosses I go all the way.
  • Thnks everyone for sharing ur always feels so much better when u know someone else is giong through the same as u :)

    @tiff87124 thanks for the advise. It makes me more confident to take it. I start today :) blessings for all us and hopefully well be in this forum for a couple more months ;-)
  • I was on it my first 12 weeks and I now am at 15 weeks. Baby is doing great!
  • @finallypreggo I'm glad you made the decision to start taking baby aspirin. That's one of the best things you can do right now and it absolutely won't hurt the baby. Just make sure you get baby aspirin and not the regular stuff (I think its 81 mg or something. Your pharmicist would know). Anyway, I'm here if you need support. Blessings in your pregnancy!
  • How long were yall told to stay on it
  • who is your question for billye910?
  • I saw two people said 12 weeks...I guess anyone who didn't say. Trying to see if its just for first trimester or if anyone had to do longer
  • It depends on how high risk you are. In my case I am very high risk and have to take it the entire pregnancy. I have something called Antiphospolipid Anitbody Syndrome which means that I'm at risk for developing blood clots at any point during the pregnancy. I will also need to be on Heparin as well to prevent blood clots (Heparin does not cross the placenta so the baby is completely safe). Your doctor can determine how long you need to be on the baby aspirin.
  • My doctor is actually checking me for the same thing and a few other disorders. I'm supposed to take it for 12 weeks too.
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